||Chapter 12||

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"Prince Erynaur is just as wonderful as you said sister!" Irinue gushed, coming home one afternoon from a day of them exploring the kingdom, Laerune chuckled at her younger sibling's demeanor although it bothered her how they exchanged glances, she brushed it off as Erynaur being curious of a new face, and her family at that. She was due to meet him tonight and hopefully confess her feelings to him, and if fate would have it, he would feel the same.

"I've left some soup simmering in the pot, there's lembas bread in the cupboard, will you be alright for awhile?" She asked, Irinue nodded, "Ah are you going out already? I was hoping to go out for a bit to buy some cloth." Laerune glanced outside, seeing as there was still daylight left she agreed, "Hurry home when you're done, I might as well unpack the rest of our things while you're out." She kissed her sister's cheek and set her off.

Irinue tugged on her shawl as she walked down the path on the way to the main square, humming a small tune as she glanced around and not really looking in front of her, she let out a small gasp as she hit someone's back, "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking where i was going and I- oh! Your highness!" A look of familiarity crossed her face and she beamed up at him with a small curtsy, "I apologize, i hadn't realized it was you.."

Erynaur gave a small chuckle and waved it off, his face slightly flushed, "No need for such a formal language." He peered behind her with a questionable glance and she was quick to speak up, "Laerune is at home, i came out to buy some cloth." She explained to which he nodded, "Well I could.. take you there? I-if you want to of course..?" Her eyes lit up, "Really? It would be an honor your highness!" "Erynaur." "Huh?" "Call me Erynaur."


"I saw those stolen glances, those secret letters, I know how much she loved you, but I was there, I loved you, yet you loved her, you chose her, you took her from me!" Angry tears streamed down her face as she huffed, Erynaur looked out at her with a cold gaze, "Need I remind you that you were the one who let her go, I've no need for your useless feelings Laerune, after all you and i both know you had a choice."

He picked up a cup and bought it to her lips, and when she spilled the liquid to refuse him he sighed, sipping the liquid and crashing his lips to hers, forcing the liquid down her throat, he spat out the rest and scoffed at her now drowsy state, "if you weren't my beloved's sister, I'd have your head rolling for that attitude of yours." He grabbed her face, the chains rattling as she was moved, "Get some rest Laerune, you're the main star of my plan after all."

Laerune struggled to keep her eyes open, her vision blurring as sleep over took her exhausted body. Laerune's eyes have begun to glaze over as she begins to feel drowsy from the effect of the liquid in the cup. With increasing fatigue she leans against the wall, the last thing she notices is Erynaur's look of amusement as she starts to lose the battle with sleep.

A soft look flashes his eyes as soon as Laerune limps against the wall but he was quick to steel himself, reminding himself of his right, and of course his revenge.

After a short time, Laerune's eyes fluttered open, and she realized she was no longer where she had last been. The room was different, and there was no sign of Erynaur anywhere.

The fact that he had moved her was an ominous sign, and she felt a sinking sensation in her stomach. She needed to get out of here, but first she needed to figure out where she was.

Her hands were no longer bound and as she looked around the room she noticed a small barred up window to the left of her and the door which she tried was locked from the outside.

This only raised more questions for her, and she began to get suspicious of her new surroundings. She went over to the barred window and tried to look out, only to discover that it was boarded up and there was nothing much to see from there. This only further added to the feeling of anxiety she felt growing within her as the situation seemed to be worsening.

Her hands no longer being tied gave her a bit of hope that her chances of escape were not as bleak as she thought they would be, but she was still puzzled as to why he had removed her restraints in the first place. Whatever he was planning to do with her, he was seemingly taking his time to carry it out, which was causing even more distress to her already frayed nerves.

She bangs on the door restlessly, "Erynaur!! I know you're out there you coward!!" A moment of silence pass by before the door opens and Erynaur stands with a plate in his lanky hands, "You need to learn to shut your mouth."

The sight of Erynaur standing in front of her once again, a plate of food in his hands, only makes her feel more confused and frustrated. The sudden change of mood from him is unsettling, and it only further feeds her fear of what he might be planning to do with her.

The plate he's offering does little to ease her worries, and she doesn't think twice about ignoring it and instead pushing past him and taking off in a run, though she didn't make it far as she was suddenly grabbed by the hair, her scalp burning by the sudden action, "Agh!!" Stumbling to the ground she looked up at Erynaur who sneered down at her, "Ungrateful wench."

The sound of a horn blowing outside of the building gets the both of their attention and Erynaur grins maniacally, pulling Laerune up by her hair, "Well well, just in time, you want to see the princess so badly? Then let's go see her." Her screams fill the air as she trashes in his hold before getting the wind knocked out of her as he threw her down the stairs, rolling in pain until they reach the bottom step where she heard gasps, unable to lift her head or open her eyes from the pain she could only let the tears fall and try to steady her breathing.

Legolas, who was at the front of the soldiers stepped forward, just as Erynaur takes the last step from the stairs. "Can't say I'm impressed that it took you so long to find me, Prince Legolas." He scoffs, "Where is she then? My niece, I'm sure she received my letter well." "You mean the letter threatening her life and Laerune's if she were to not give you the dragon's location?"

Erynaur rolls his eyes, "Yes yes, skip the pleasantries, where is she? I believe it's time for a family reunion." (Y/n) steps out from the crowd, Aumrauth by her side and guiding her, "Erynaur." She says his name in bitter regard, "Release Laerune, and then we will talk."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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