||Chapter 4||

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(y/n)'s Pov

The rays of sunlight slipped through the window and on your sleeping figure on the bed, a book was held loosely on your hand and a faint smile on your lips as you dreamed away.

Then a knock sounded making you bolt up in suprise, you yawned and rubbed away the sleep from your eyes as you turned towards the sound.

"Yes? You may come in" You said tiredly, you had stayed up later than usual as you finished the book, it was worth it.

"My lady! You look like a mess! What happened?" Laerune worriedly rushed to your side as you tiredly tried to comprehend the words that spilled from her lips.

Your eyes felt heavier and the call for sleep was pulling you more, "Laerune..." you closed your eyes, falling back asleep.

"My lady? My lady! Aumrauth!" The said soldier rushed into the room, along with Thranduil and Legolas.

"What happened here?" The king questioned, Legolas gave a concerned glance at you as you laid peacefully on Laerune's lap.

"Thranduil she is burning up! And she is paling!" Laerune informed. A healer entered the room and appraoched your body.

Aumrauth held your hand in his, praying to Valar you would be alright, and as he did this, Legolas couldn't help the strange bubbling in his chest.

The healer turned to them with worry in her eyes, "She has been poisoned, quickly! To the Healers!" Legolas stepped in and scooped you in his arms.

Before Aumrauth could protest, he was already rushing out of your room to the healers.

You nuzzled the closer to Legolas' warm chest and tiredly asked, "What's going on...?"

Your eyelids were heavy and you gave a small yawn, "You'll be okay (y/n), I'm here." You heard Legolas said worriedly.

You nodded in response, closing your eyes as he placed you on a cot, "The princess has been poisoned, please, save her."

"Not to worry my prince, we will do everything we can." You heard a she elf reply, Legolas stayed by your side and your hazy mind seemed to have recalled a memory you had last night.


You finished your book and closed it, a smile tugging at your lips at the ending, it was bittersweet.

A knock suddenly echoed around the room, making you turn to where the door was, "Who could that be at this late hour?" you mumbled to yourself.

"What is your business?" You called out, pulling the sheets closer to you.

"I have come to deliver some treats my lady, straight from the kitchen." Came a sweet reply.

You grinned widely at the mention of food, "Oh! Please do come in!"

The door opened and a she-elf stepped in, a smile played on her lips, "Would you like the scones? Or the muffins my lady?"

You smiled gleefully, "I'd love the muffins/scones please." She placed it gently on your hand.

"Please enjoy your treat my lady, I shall tell prince Legolas you bid him goodnight." She said sweetly, you could only smile at her.

The she-elf left the room as you finished the treat quickly, "That's odd.. Maybe it was a new flavor.." You shrugged it off and made yourself comfortable before falling into a deep sleep.


Your sleeping figure laid on a cot, vitals finally going back to normal as you slept soundly, Legolas and Aumrauth both seated at either side of the bed, the former being worried, and the latter feeling guilty, he had served you dinner that night, and he thought that he's poisoned you.

It had started to rain, the earthly smell gave off a sense of comfort as you laid peacefully, the drizzle hitting against the window to the room you were in sounded so pleasant.

You felt the warmth of both hands holding onto you, and the sound of quiet sniffling by the foot of your bed, it was Laerune.

"Laerune, why do you cry?" You asked, the sniffling stopped and you heard her gasp,
"(y/n)! Oh (y/n) I had thought you'd left us." She wailed, the grip on your left hand tightened, "My lady.. I apologize, you must have been poisoned from the dinner I had served you." You heard Aumrauth say sincerely, guilt lacing his tone, "I have failed you.. You I shall be gone by nightfall."

You sit up and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, "Aumrauth, I have forgiven you. You are not at fault here." A squeeze came from your right hand making you turn to the source.

"You had me woried mellon." A smile graced your lips as you heard his voice.

"And worry you shall no more. I am awake aren't I?" You said with a laugh, you heard Legolas chuckle and then let out a sigh.

"They have found who poisoned you." He spoke, his tone serious and cold. A knock sounded and a cry could be heard as the door opened.

"Please forgive me your majesties, "I did not mean to poison her. This—this all a misunderstanding!" She sobbed out.

(y/n) didn't know what to believe.


I want to thank you all for your support and for being so patient with me! I hope all of you are keeping safe and staying at home. I love you all!

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