||Chapter 8||

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The dungeon was damp and cold as Magdalyl sat on the mossy floor, there were very few prisoners and the most they've done was either petty theft or it was a drunk causing a ruckus, steps echoed through the area and a shadow loomed over her, making her look up and meet the eyes of Legolas himself.

He was glaring at her with such contempt that it sent shivers down her spine, her pale cheeks flushing a reddish hue as she tore her gaze away from him.

"Your highness, I am confused as to why I am here, have I done something to anger you?" She asked innocently, holding on the cold metal bars that kept her in.

"Princess (y/n) wishes to speak with you, and until you are proven innocent, you remain guilty and be deemed so." He said coldly, motioning to a guard to unlock and open up the door.

Making sure that she was bounded well and safe enough to talk to (y/n), the group made their way towards the throne room where the king and (y/n) await Magdalyl for questioning.

Magdalyl was thinking of every possible curse known on middle earth towards (y/n), and as they entered the throne room, her eyes clouded with envy and anger as Legolas left her side to stand besides (y/n), placing his hand on her shoulder in a reassuring manner. Why couldn't she have that?

"Magdalyl." The king spoke calmly, yet the tone of his voice was enough to send a different kind of shiver down her spine, one that made her tremble slightly as she kneeled to the ground and bowed before him.

"I have been informed that you played a part in poisoning one of my dear guests, and a close one at that. Usually I would have you banished or killed for an attempt at murder. But my guest requested she have a talk with you first. Thank her for sparing your head." Thranduil looked down at her with little to no emotion but Magdalyl could tell he was seething with rage.

The room was quiet, and Magdalyl took this opportunity to stand up and face (y/n), her eyes lingering on Legolas' hand that was still on her shoulder.

"Why?" Came a soft voice, (y/n) took a step forward, gently shrugging off Legolas' hand stopping at a relatively close distance from the center of the room, from where Magdalyl stood.

Magdalyl sucked in a breath as she finally had a good look at her, her was like golden starlight that framed her face effortlessly beautifully, her white dress had gold trimmings that hugged her body comfortably, her eyes held the light of life despite being unable to see and Magdalyl felt something grow inside of her.

"Your majesty I swear to Valar I was not in the right state mind! I was only tasked to bring your food, it must have been the other—" "No, it was you that I had heard, and my ears do not deceive me, you need not lie."

Everyone present held their breaths as they looked between the two, Magdalyl fidgeted as she looked down, a shadow casting over her eyes. "....he told.... him.... mine...." She mumbled, and (y/n) furrowed her brows in confusion, "Who told you what?"

Magdalyl looked up, her eyes deadpanned and an uneasy feeling washed over (y/n) as she felt her stare at her. "He told me that if I poisoned you, I would have my love all to myself, but you still lived, I can't make him mine."

Magdalyl gave a wide smile and suddenly let out a laugh, "Gen ú-velin*
Gen hedithon min noer Orodruin*" In an instant she broke free from her bounds and grabbed a dagger that was hidden in the sleeve of her arm.

Her eyes held blood lust as she ran towards (y/n) with the intent to kill, but as she struck down, her blade clashed with another, and she turned to see Aumrauth, his sword out and standing protectively Infront of (y/n).

(y/n) felt herself stumble backwards slightly, surprised by the sudden commotion of people yelling and Laerune immediately pulling her to the side, she was shaken up, someone was after her, and she felt so powerless against it.

"Seize her! Lock her up, let it be known to all present that Magdalyl committed immoral acts against a royal guest and a princess of another kingdom, hence, she is to be executed."

"Lýgion! He will be after your head, and you will be dead before you know it." She pulled her hand from a guards hold and used the blade from her other sleeve and thrusted it deep in her chest, making eye contact with Legolas and giving him a sickly sweet smile.

"Meleth e-guilen, we'll be together soon."


*I hate you
*I'm going to hurl you into the fires of Mt. Doom
*Daughter of snakes
*Love of my life

Bestie got issues oop—

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