then there was four

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"are you going to tie the bow on daddy's gift?"

i asked luna as she grabbed the ribbon that i had laid in front of us on the kitchen table. it's been a month since michael and i started trying for another baby and i can tell how much he wants this. i guess both of us are feeling the hurt of luna turning one next month. it's hard to believe my little baby is already going to be a year old. where the hell has time gone?


luna said as i smiled. she's just finally starting to say "mama and dada" and it's the sweetest thing i've ever heard. i never knew i could love a tiny human as much as i love her. she really makes my life worth while. i love her more than she'll ever know.

"yeah, this is for dada. we better get you dressed in your new shirt before he comes home."

i said as i finished tying the ribbon on michael's gift and placed it in the gift bag. i picked luna up off my lap, placed her on my hip, and we went into her nursery. i changed luna into the new shirt i bought her as i heard michael's car pull up.

"daddy's home! it's time to give him his present!"

i said with a smile as luna giggled at me. i'm so glad i have such a happy and giggly baby. no matter what bullshit life is putting michael and i through, i know my girl will always have a smile on her face. i picked her up and walked into the kitchen to see michael rummaging through the fridge.


i said with a smile.

"hey, there's my girls."

michael said as he placed a kiss to my lips and one on top of luna's head.

"we have a present for you."

i said as i held the tiny gift bag out for michael. he looked at me suspiciously before taking the gift from me, placing it down on the island, and starting to open it. i felt my heart start to pound as michael pulled out the long box and removed the ribbon from the top of it. as soon as he removed the top of the box and realized what was inside, he looked at me in shock.

"you're pregnant?"

michael asked.


i said with a smile as i straighten out the shirt that luna was wearing. bee helped me find a shirt that said "best big sister" on it for luna. i knew michael would love it.

"i can't believe this. holy shit."

michael said as he pressed a kiss to my lips.


luna said as i both michael and i pulled back. of course our daughter is picking up swear words from michael.


i giggled as i playfully slapped his arm.

"i'm sorry i just got excited. don't say that word luna."

michael laughed as he took luna from my arms.

"we're having another baby."

i said with a smile as i wrapped my arms around michael's waist.

"yes we are. you're gonna be a mummy again."

michael said as he placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me. i think the miscarriage taught me how much i really wanted another baby. i was so unsure when we found out that we were having a second baby the first time and i didn't even appreciate being pregnant. now i'm so over the moon to be pregnant again. i'm still nervous that there's a chance i could miscarry again but i think that will pass once i get past the 10 week mark. i'm just so glad that michael is over the moon. i know he wants this so badly, and i do too. it's crazy to think we're going to be a family of four soon. but i wouldn't trade it for anything.

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