lover of mine

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award shows are my absolute worst nightmare. i just really don't fit in with the glitz and the glamor of hollywood. and you can certainly tell just from the looks of me. yet, here i am, standing off to the side of the red carpet, while i watch the paparazzi yell at the celebrities that walked across the infamous carpet. four of those celebrities being my best friends, but you probably know them as five seconds of summer.

i've known these guys for years now. michael was my first friend when i transferred to his school. then i met luke, calum, and eventually ashton. we've all been friends since. i was their first groupie and michael insists that i go on every tour or award show they have. to be honest, i think michael is a bit attached to me. ever since we all moved to los angeles, michael insisted that i move into his home, even though he was with his now ex-fiancé. maybe i just remind him a bit of home.

michael is my absolute best friend. just, don't tell the guys that i have a favorite. i mean, it's hard to not have a favorite when you live together. he's been my best friend since day one. and, if you can promise to keep this a secret, i may have a bit of a crush on him. but i'd never tell him that. he probably would never know how to respond. so i'll just keep that to myself.

being the guys' friend does have it's benefits though. although i hate them, i do go to a bunch of award shows with them. i'm usually perceived as their assistant but it's nice to at least get to watch them win awards. and the after-parties are nice. and the after after parties with michael are even better.

so, we may be friends with benefits. it just happened one night. we were both bored and watching a movie on the couch, reminiscing about the old times back in australia, when we started to kiss. and kissing led to something else...and it just happened. and it's happened a few other times too. i can't say that i regret it, but i don't know how michael feels about it. we just act like it never happened sometimes.

i watched the boys make their final rounds on the red carpet, doing a few interviews and having their pictures taken, before they walked over to where i was standing on the side.

"there's my favorite famous people."

i said with a laugh. michael laughed too before i felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"oh, shut up."

ashton said as he rolled his eyes and smiled at me. the boys never want to admit it, but they are famous. maybe they're too humble to admit it. maybe they just don't get on twitter enough. who knows? but i tease them about it every chance i get.

"did i tell you that you look stunning tonight?"

michael whispered in my ear as we followed the boys into the large venue.

"i believe you told me about three times before we left the house."

i whispered back, trying to make sure that the guys didn't hear either of us. we took our seats at the table with the guys as the award show started.

"are you nervous?"

i asked michael as the category the guys are nominated in came up.

"me? nervous? never."

michael said as i rolled my eyes. he can definitely be over cocky at times. but i still love him either way.

"oh shut up."

i giggled. a few minutes passed and the boys were finally announced as band of the year. i jumped up and wrapped michael into a hug before the guys went to accept their award. after they came back to the table, michael placed his hand on my inner thigh.

"wanna skip the after party and have one of our own?"

michael whispered in my ear. a smile crept up on my face that gave away my answer. and later that night we did some...not so safe for work things.

lover of mine // mgcWhere stories live. Discover now