eye for an eye

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song for the chapter: hearts - mali-koa

i tossed and turned in my bed as i tried to fall asleep. i guess i just have just too much on my brain. what luke said just made my stomach turn. was michael trying to do this on purpose? or was it all just a joke? i don't know anymore.

i told veronica about everything and i think she was even more furious than i was. she's definitely the most overprotective friend i have. even more than michael. and she made me promise her that i would go out with her tomorrow night and try and get my mind off of michael. but i would have to catch some sleep before that happens.

as i tossed onto my other side for what felt like the millionth times, i heard my phone start to ring. i picked it up and saw michael's name written across it.


i groaned as michael popped up on the screen.

"did i wake you?"

"no. i can't sleep."

i sighed as i sat up in my bed.

"you're in your own bed."

"yeah. i didn't feel comfortable being in yours."


michael asked me. i sighed as i looked away for a second. it'll be better to get this off my chest now then to harbor it.

"luke told me you weren't using condoms. and the ones you did, you poked holes in them. were you trying to get me pregnant?!"

i asked michael.

"oh my god, luke is such an idiot. those were jokes!"

"why would you joke about something like that?!"

"i don't know! they were just shitty jokes!"

michael said as i looked away in disgust. i took a deep breath before looking back at the camera.

"you promise they were just jokes?"

"yes, of course."

"okay. fine. i believe you. now i'm going to sleep."

i said before hanging up. i laid back down in my bed and sighed. at least i know that those were jokes. i'm glad to know michael would never do that. that's one less weight off my chest.


"this place is too loud."

i said as i took a sip from my water. veronica dragged me out to this night club that isn't my style at all. she's much more of a partier than me. well, she's the nightclub type of partier. i'm the house party and dive bars kinda partier.

"oh, cheer up grandma."

veronica said as she took another shot. she scoped the room before her eyes landed on two guys that were standing alone at the other end of the bar.

"them. let's dance with them."

veronica said. she's desperately trying to get me to at least dance with a guy so i get my mind off of michael but...i don't think it'll work.

"i don't know, v."

"oh, come on alex! you need to get over michael! and you look so hot tonight! let's just go talk to them!"

veronica said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me away. i let her do all the talking and was really only brought back into the conversation when the blonde guy reached his hand out for mine.

"can i dance with you?"

he asked me. i looked at veronica and she nodded her head.


i said as i put my hand onto his. he brought me to the middle of the dance floor, wrapped his arms around my waist, and we started to sway back and forth. this lasted a few songs until i decided that i was over the nightclub and we went home. once again, they're just not my thing.


i woke up the next morning and the first thing i did was grab my phone. my eyes went wide as i saw all the missed calls i had from the guys. what could they be blowing me up for? i pressed michael's number and waited for a response.

"alexandria...nice of you to finally answer."

michael said when he picked up the phone.

"i'm sorry, i was sleeping. what's up?"

"what's up?! maybe you should ask the guy you were grinding on last night in a nightclub!"

michael yelled into the phone.

"what are you talking about?"

"don't play stupid. it's all over the tabloids."

"okay, so i danced with a guy last night. what's it matter to you?"

"it matters because you're still pregnant with my child. and i still love you, alex."

"so, it's okay for you to go out and kiss a fan, but it's not okay for me to go dance with a guy?"

"i wasn't out there grinding on some girl like a little..whore!"

michael yelled. he did not just go there.

"so now i'm a whore?"

"i don't even know who you are anymore."

michael said. before i could answer, he hung up. my blood boiled as i threw my phone back onto the bed. how dare he call me a whore! we aren't even together. what gives him the right?! maybe it's just what we're good at. i guess we're only good at breaking each other's hearts.

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