birthday presents

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song for the chapter: still into you - paramore

time jump // 3 weeks later

17 weeks pregnant

"wake up! it's your birthday!"

veronica yelled as she jumped on my bed. i groaned as i stuffed a pillow over my ears and turned on my side. truth be told, i'm not looking forward to my birthday this year. michael isn't here, i can't be with my family, i can't even get drunk this year. what's the point?

"i don't wanna get up. i wanna sleep."

i groaned.

"nope! michael gave me specific instructions to get your ass out of bed before 9am. his words, not mine."

veronica said as she grabbed my arm and began to pull me out of bed.

"he's demanding for someone who isn't here."

i said as i got out of bed and followed veronica out into the hallway. she pulled me into the living room and i smiled when i saw the entire room covered in balloons and a bouquet of flowers on the coffee table. i noticed a note next to the bouquet and picked it up.

happy birthday beautiful! i'm so sorry i couldn't be there for your 22nd. i love you so much. just two more weeks till i'm home and we'll be able to spend the holidays together. now, go and spend the day with v. she has so much planned for you. i love you to the moon and back. - michael.

tears gathered in my eyes as i felt veronica hug me.

"i miss him so much."

i sniffled as i wiped my tears away.

"no! there's no crying today. we are having a happy day! go get dressed before i kick your butt."

veronica said as she pushed me towards my room. i went into my room and changed into one of michael's shirts, a pair of jeans, and a pair of white combat boots.

"how does this look?"

i asked veronica as i walked out of my bedroom.

"you look hot. now, let's send a picture to your boyfriend so he knows what he's missing."

veronica said as she pulled her phone out of her bag. i laughed as i posed for a few photos.

"i like the second one."

i said as i peered over veronica's shoulder to look at the photos. she picked that one and pulled up her messages with michael.

"your sexy, newly 22 baby mama/girlfriend says hi."

veronica said out loud as she typed it on the screen.

"you're such an idiot."

i giggled as i lightly slapped her shoulder. a couple seconds later, michael texted back.

from: michael
tell her that she looks hot. and i want my shirt back. and i miss her. :)

"yeah, he isn't getting this back."

i said with a laugh as i looked down at the shirt i was wearing. for the rest of the day, veronica and i went shopping and to get our nails done. it felt nice just to have a girls day where i didn't have to worry about anything. when we got home, i noticed all the lights had been shut off, which was suspicious since i always leave the lights on so it looks like someone is home. as soon as veronica and i shut the door and walked into the living room, the lights flickered on and four familiar faces jumped out from behind the couch.


i yelled as i dropped all my bags and jumped into his arms.

"there's my birthday girl."

michael said as he placed a kiss to my lips.

"i thought you guys weren't suppose to be home for another two weeks?"

i asked the guys.

"well, that was a bit of a lie."

ashton replied.

"we wanted to help michael surprise you so we told you the tour was longer than what it was."

luke said as i looked up at michael with tears in my eyes.

"i love you so much."

i said as i cupped his face and kissed him.

"i love you too. happy birthday princess."

michael said with a smile.


"it feels so good to finally have you back in bed."

i said with a smile as i crawled into bed next to michael.

"i know. bunk beds without you aren't the same."

michael said as he ran his hand over my thigh.

"you know, now we can find out the baby's gender together."

"that's true. i'm excited. i still think it'll be a girl."

michael said.

"i just want them to be healthy. and to have a happy family and not have to worry about anything. i want them to grow up better than i did. not living in fear of their religious parents."

i sighed. it really is true that strict parents create sneaky kids. i remember michael and calum having to help me out of my second-story window just to avoid my siblings seeing me. i never want our child to have to feel like they have to sneak around us.

"we're gonna be better parents than yours ever we're. i promise."

michael said as he rested his hand on my cheek.

"okay. i love you."

"i love you too. now get some sleep, birthday girl."

michael said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. i couldn't think of a better gift  than this. i couldn't think of a better way to end my birthday. best. birthday. ever.

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