Amelia VI

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A week later Amelia found herself outside the stone walls of what was to be their new home. The walls towered high above her, surpassed only by the towers of the mansion which lay inside the gates. Mia took out the key given to her by the relator for the property. The poor woman had practically thrown the thing at her, along with the ownership papers, before speedily driving away from the house like the Hounds of Hell were biting at her heels. Apparently, the property had a reputation for being haunted which was why the lady would not even cross the gates and was relieved to have finally sold it. The click of the lock and the creak of the gate opening gave Amelia her first glance at the beautiful mansion inside.

The home was stunning with an old-world beauty but possessed a haunted air due to its years of abandonment. Mia could see past all of the flaws to the beauty that lay beneath the dirt and broken beams, she loved a fixer upper and this one would be quite a challenge! She slowly began to pick her way down the cracked walkway to the house. Looking around she noted that there was plenty of garden space for Henry and trees to provide the privacy Jasper had wanted.

Having reached the front entrance of the wrap around porch, Mia went to walk up the stairs only to be knocked back by a flash of orange. Squeezing her eyes shut Mia tried to prepare for the pain that was sure to accompany her hitting the ground... but the pain didn't come. Instead, Mia found herself hitting a firm chest as the stranger's arms circled around her, stopping her from hitting the ground.

"Whoa there! Are you okay?" looking up Mia saw the face of her unexpected savior.

"Yeah, I'm good" Mia replied breathlessly, "just a little shaken up". The mystery boy helped steady Amelia back onto her feet.

Looking down Mia saw that the orange blur from before was an old tabby cat. "I see that you've met Thomas" laughed the boy. "My friends and I take turns caring for him. We've tried to relocate him to live with one of us, but he always ends up back here. I'm Max".

"Amelia" she replied shaking his hand.

"Well Amelia, am I right in thinking that the truck parked out by the gates is yours?"

"Yeah! My friends and I just bought this place and I'm moving in early to oversee all of the renovations".

"Oh that's cool! Where are you guys moving from?"

"We are relocating from Swellview, it's about two hours west of here".

"Oh, I've been there before. I didn't stay long; my sister and I were there for this business thing".

"Oh really" Max... Thunderman? If so, Mia knew exactly what that business trip consisted of.

"Yeah, never really had a desire to go back there though"

Laughing Mia agreed whole heartedly, "Yeah us too. I know that the others can't wait to get out of there".

"Well I just came to drop off some food and water for Thomas here, but I can leave you my number if you need anything".

"That would be great!" pulling her phone out of her skirt pocket Mia passed it over.

"All set! I guess I'll see you around Amelia"

"See you around Max. Thanks for the save!" Amelia watched as the boy left through a hidden crack in wall. Making a mental note of the location to check out later she turned back to her first project, recon on the mansion.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

The next week flew by for Amelia. She had called her team back in Swellview and they had agreed on a local contractor to start on renovations. The local contractor would be focused on the house, while Mia would hire a Hero League approved Supe to handle the creation of the Danger Zone underneath the main house. Mia had been busy setting up design meetings and enrolling in the local high school Hiddenville High. In between all of the crazy she still found time to text Max Thunderman.

The boy was devilishly funny and had a similar twisted humor as Amelia. They had met up for pizza with his band one night. It was nice to know that when school started she would at least know three people. Gideon and Oyster seemed sweet if rather goofy, Amelia looked forward to getting to know them better. The band was apparently looking for a new drummer since their friend had moved to Neighborville at the beginning of the summer. Mia had also seen Max's twin sister Phoebe in passing but hadn't been introduced to the girl yet.

Apparently, the twins were still at odds and hadn't bonded due to their recruitment to the Z force yet. The Thunder Twins were legends in the Hero League, Amelia remembered hearing all about their saves when she had first joined. She had been worried when Team Danger joined the league since she didn't have any enhancements or powers like the rest of the team. Henry was the closest to the "typical" Hero League member, since his powers were biological (even if they came through experimentation). Char was next, she had implanted a chip in her brain which she could activate by a tattoo behind her ear. The chip essentially turned her into a human supercomputer when activated. Even Jasper had learned basic spell crafting on top of his fighting skills. Amelia was just a troubled 20-year-old with buckets of Trauma and fighting skills honed by living on the run since she was 15.

She didn't have to worry though, Kickbutt, the SuperPresident at the time, had welcomed her and her skills. The League had assigned Sophie, who had "natural" powers like Henry, and Fred who was a non-supe like her. The duo was a godsend for the team, showing them the ropes on how to work as heroes with actual oversight and accountability. Fred had been the one to suggest what quickly became her trademark uniform.

The Madam Danger uniform consisted of flexible and protective black nanofabric skirt and leggings, a zip up long sleeve top, a black half mask with a collection of rainbow wigs. Fred had run through the hours of footage from their fights in Dystopia and pointed out the fact that her unique hair color, white blonde with purple streaks, would be easy to track in a city like Metroburg and even more in a city like Hiddenville. Mia hadn't been willing to change her hair, so the compromise had been a wig. They had ordered several different colored wigs and she had fallen in love with all of them. The variety of wigs definitely helped stop any journalists or villains from discovering her identity. Unfortunately, the money Charlotte had collected so far was going towards the house renovations so her wig collection would have to wait. She wasn't planning to fight crime without her team anyways.

The buzz of her phone pulled Amelia out of the past (or was it the future?) and back into the present. She smiled seeing that it was from Max confirming that they would meet up at the band's lockers in the morning before their first class. Shooting him a text back she plugged her phone in to charge and double checked that she had everything packed for the next day. Sliding into bed that night she couldn't help but be excited about the first day of school!

A New Hero: Henry Danger/ThundermansWhere stories live. Discover now