Charlotte XVIII

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Summary: Team Danger's Public Introduction

Evie's Notes: I hope you all enjoy this new chapter


Charlotte was honestly surprised at how smoothly things were going for her and the boys. She knew that foreknowledge was both a blessing and a curse. Eventually they would run out of previous knowledge or come up against a situation that was different than they expected due to their new changes. Plus it was impossible for them to remember every little detail about their previous lives. Still they were doing pretty well and she was grateful for the peace of knowing generally what to expect provided her and the boys.

"I think it's time" commented Jasper, not looking up from the photos he was editing on his computer.

"Time for what?" asked Henry

"It's already November so I figure we should start introducing the idea of Team Danger to the world"

"How are we supposed to get Ray and Schwoz to sign off on that?" asked Charlotte

"Ehh, what's that saying...'It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission'? I figure once we launch our social media presences as Team Danger there really isn't any going back no matter how much Ray whines. People are already speculating that there are more members to the team than just you and Ray, since you two could not do all that you do on your own. By launching our Twitflash profiles we'll be putting faces and names to the rumors".

"I guess we really should use Twitflash before we take down Twitler in a couple weeks" grinned Charlotte.

Pulling out their pear phones, the trio spent the afternoon designing the Twitflash accounts. Charlotte zoom-called Amelia so that she could set up her account with them as well. By the time that they were ready to head to bed that evening they had four superhero profiles they were proud of.

"So who gets to make the first post?" asked Amelia, as she tried to shoo her cat Dauchess off of her keyboard.

"It should probably be Henry," decided Jasper.

"Yeah, he's the one that the public already knows and can therefore validate the rest of us" added Charlotte.

"Okay," taking a deep breath Henry typed out his first Twitflash post.


KidDanger: Hey Swellview! Your friendly neighborhood superhero here. Hope that you all are having a great night!


Henry then blew a bubble and snapped a quick selfie in his Kid Danger uniform.

Almost instantly his phone began to blow up with messages as the residents of Swellview reacted to his new profile.


JohnJo: Is this legit?

Kid Danger: ^^^ So legit


OliverOak326: Oh my god Kid Danger I love you!!

Kid Danger: ^^^And I love you random citizen


PiperHart: Why make a Twitflash profile now?

Kid Danger: ^^^Figured it was a fun way to connect with the people 😃

A New Hero: Henry Danger/ThundermansWhere stories live. Discover now