Charlotte/Amelia XV

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Summary: Road Trip Time!

Evie's Notes: I'm back! Sorry for the unexpected break; I was busy wrapping up my grad school degree and shutting down my classroom for summer. I hope you enjoy the new update, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Charlotte's POV:

"Are you packed yet?" asked Charlotte, not taking her eyes off her pear pad. She knew exactly what Henry's answer was going to be.

"Not yet! I can't decide which shirt to bring, my pink button up or my teal button up" whined her best friend.

"Both look great on you Hen" assured her boyfriend. "The pink one accentuates your muscles, while the teal one makes your eyes pop".

"Thanks Jasper, but I still don't know which one to pack!" protested Henry with a faint blush.

"Just pack both Henry" suggested Charlotte putting down her pear pad. "We are leaving for Hiddenville in twenty minutes whether you are packed or not".

She left the two boys alone to deal with the shirt dilemma and went to check on Piper.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

Twenty minutes later, Charlotte was able to wrangle all three of her family into the car. Jasper had offered to drive the first leg of the journey to Hiddenville. The Hart siblings were curled up in the backseat watching a movie on Piper's pear pad.

The trio had decided that it would be in their best interests to spend a weekend in Hiddenville and try to get to know the town and its people. So they called out sick from work for the weekend, packed up their Van and headed to their future home with Piper.

Henry had decided that it was best not to tell Piper about their plans to move to Hiddenville at the end of the school year. They hoped that the girl would fall in love with Hiddenville through these little trips. While the move would definitely be a shock for her, the girl did not really have that many strong ties to Swellview. Her friendships were rather tumultuous and a fresh start would really do Piper a world of good. Henry had taken Piper to her first couple appointments with her therapist, and the trio had already seen marked improvement in the girl's ability to handle life.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

Amelia's POV:

"Based on the sketches you gave us, we should be able to wrap up the renovations of the house from a stability standpoint by the end of the week, Miss Amelia. After that everything else should be purely cosmetic, which I know you said you wanted to handle yourself" explained Patrick Jenkins, Amelia's contractor.

"Thank you so much Mr. Jenkins! You and your team have done a fabulous job, fixing up this old place" laughed Mia.

"Ehh, she's a beauty for sure. Y'all were able to see the beauty under all the grime, and picked a house with some great bones".

"I do have some friends coming from out of town this evening, would it be possible from a safety standpoint for me to give them a walk through of the building?"

"Oh, for sure! Most of the work we have remaining is tightening things up and ensuring that all of the edges are sealed and taken care of. The only spot to still be kind of wary of would be the turret. My man Joe will be finishing that area up over the next two days. Other than that though, there should be no issue with you showing your friends around".

"Perfect! Thank you Mr. Jenkins! You and your crew have been total life savers!"

"Think nothing of it, little missy. My men and I are happy to have the work, and to welcome you into our community".

"Well I am certainly feeling very welcome! I hope you all enjoy the muffins I brought over as a little thank you. I do have to run a few errands though, so I will see you all when you come to work tomorrow".

Mia waved goodbye to Mr. Jenkins and the crew before heading across the large lawn over to her motorhome. After letting herself in, she quickly transferred the load of laundry she had been running into the dryer, and checked on the stew she had simmering in her crock pot. Seeing that everything was running smoothly, Mia grabbed her keys and made her way into downtown Swellview.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

With her errands finished, Mia swung by Splatburger to grab a chicken wrap and sweet tea to go. Having placed her order with the manager, JJ, Mia caught sight of a familiar swoosh of hair.

"Why hello, Mr. Thunderman!" called Mia as she settled down across from him at the table.

"Hey M, '' greeted Max glancing up from where he was focusedly scribbling away in a dark notebook.

"What'cha working on?" asked Mia as she stole one of his fries from the splat plate between them. Sure she had her own sandwich coming, but she was hungry now!

"I'm coming up with ideas for that chirper contest" explained Max.

"Two questions. One: what's chirper? And two: what's the contest about?"

"You dont know what chirper is?" shrieked Max, clearly aghast at her ignorance.

"Nope!" popped Mia proudly. "I'm not from here remember..."

"Well chirper is this social media app, where you can post videos, messages, thoughts and photos".

"So it's just Twitflash..."

"Yes and no" granted Max. "Chirper has a more younger focused audience and isn't as widely used".

"mkay, and the contest..."

"The contest is to try and create the most epic fail video. Like when someone skateboards off a cliff, or gets hit by a falling piano"

"Yeesh! Are all fails so violent?" winced Mia.

"Well no... I guess there are also baking and gardening and non-injury based fails... but I want to win!"

"So I'm assuming the most popular video is the one that 'wins' right?"

"Yeah and the winner apparently gets $10,000. I'm thinking I can probably con Billy and Nora into helping me".

"Aren't these epic fails supposed to be natural though?" asked Mia, confused.

"Well the kids will just have to brush up on their acting skills then" decided Max.

"Well you have my number if you need any help" laughed Mia. "My friends are coming into town this evening, so I'll probably be pretty unreachable till they leave tomorrow evening".

"Sounds good" muttered Max, having already returned to his plans.

"Good luck, Maximus" laughed Mia as she accepted her sandwich and drink from JJ. She could already guess how this latest debacle was going to end.


I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr Find-y0ur-j0y! - Xo Evie 💕

A New Hero: Henry Danger/ThundermansWhere stories live. Discover now