Henry VIII

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Swellview High was not ready for the level of chaos that would be descending upon it with the return of Team Danger. The trio had stuck mostly to themselves ever since returning to the past. Between working in the ManCave, hanging out with Piper and trying to avoid their parents, well the first day of school arrived far too soon for the time traveling trio.

Henry had been lying awake for an hour now waiting for the alarm to ring. He would be the first to admit that he was feeling nervous about returning to their old high school. The horrifying fact that he hadn't attended school at all that year also still weighed heavily on his mind. Once he realized how deeply Ray had messed with his head, well let's just say he had been thrilled to run off to crime-ridden Dystopia with his family. The past week had definitely been hard for all three of them, but Henry especially found himself threatening to fall back into old habits. It would be so easy to buy back into Ray's guilt trips, to fall back under the spell of being needed and to tell himself that Kid Danger was clearly the only one who could help. He now knew (or would know? Time travel was weird) through years of therapy that the weight of Swellview did not rest on his shoulders. Luckily his therapist Angela had helped him put together a group of tools to help him maintain healthy mental health practices. Several of which he was employing as his anxiety spiked surrounding the first day of the new year.

Deciding that he might as well get up, Henry rolled over and slipped out of bed trying not to jostle Charlotte and Jasper. Dressing quickly he slipped downstairs to start making breakfast for his family. He hadn't appreciated having Piper's school attached to his originally, but now it made carpool and planning so much easier. Tossing together a breakfast casserole and placing it in the oven Henry noticed it was time to wake up Piper.

While good for the time travelers, it was still concerning that his parents still hadn't returned from their latest trip. While it wasn't unusual for one of them to be gone for extended periods of time, usually his mother with her latest fling, but to have both gone was wrong... Having reached Piper's door he knocked before peeking his head in to tell her to get up, "Morning Pipes! Breakfast will be ready in 20 and then you are riding with us to school". Ducking the pillow she chucked at his face, he couldn't help but smile having forgotten how much his sister was NOT a morning person over the years.

He could hear Charlotte and Jasper down the hall moving around and beginning their day. It was wonderful to be back in a relatively safe town with his whole family. Henry couldn't remember a time in recent/future memory when he wasn't constantly looking over his shoulder searching for the next attack. Being thrown into the past by a villain was a blessing that he wouldn't waste like Ray had done.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

The school day flew by for Henry. It took a bit of adjusting to get back into the mindset of a high school student, but he expected they would all get more comfortable in the upcoming weeks. He hadn't heard much from Mia, just a quick message saying thank you for the well wishes and a promise to call when she got home. So this led to Henry anxiously waiting for Piper with his best friends in their new used car. The car had been found for the team by Char after making all three of them take their driver's test.

Five or so minutes more of waiting saw a grumpy Piper finally approaching the car. "Hey Pipes! How was your first day?" asked Jasper ruffling her hair as she slid into the seat next to him.

"Awful!" she whined slumping down in her seat. "Janna spent the whole day telling anyone who would listen about her trip to Paris. Paris! I wanted to go to Paris, but mom and dad said no".

"Well maybe we can go next summer?" suggested Henry. He had already started planning a surprise trip for her birthday, since he knew Paris was one of the top cities on his sister's bucket list.

"Whatever." she snapped kicking the back of his seat, clearly still upset.

Maybe having Piper see a therapist sooner rather than later would be a good thing, reflected Henry. He had been planning on waiting until they had moved, but he also remembered how much the Junior Anger Management (or J.A.M.) classes had helped her before Ray had screwed everything up. If it was only once a week Henry could see a way of driving her out to Hiddenville or Metroburg without raising Ray's suspicions. Plus he could check on Amelia while Piper was in her appointment! Shelving the idea for now, Henry made a note to talk to his sister about it later this week since therapy would be no help for her, unless she agreed to get help and want to change.

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

When they got back to the house Piper stormed upstairs and locked herself in her room. Henry decided that he would give her time to cool off and would check on her later after they called Amelia. Jasper quickly hooked up his pear pad to TV so that they could all see Mia when she called.

They didn't have to wait long before the TV started to ring. "Guys Mia's calling" shouted Charlotte from her spot on the couch.

Grabbing drinks for the trio Henry joined Char on the couch. "Hey Mia! How was your first day at Hiddenville High?".

"It was good. Where's Jasper?" she asked.

"I'm here!" called Jasper as he jumped over the back of the couch "Sup M".

"Hey J. How was it seeing everyone again?".

"It was so weird! Last time around, when Henry stopped going to school, I had started hanging out with Oliver and Sidney. I hadn't thought about them in years, so it was strange to have them so welcoming when I showed up this morning".

"Same here" agreed Charlotte. "I was involved in so many different clubs. Between student government, tutoring, volunteering and classes, I can't remember how I used to do it all and also work for Captain Man".

"Yikes! Well if anyone can figure it out, it's you Char" encouraged Amelia.

"So M, did everything go smoothly for your first day?" pressed Henry, it was obvious she was hiding something.

"Well there was a slight mishap with my transcript apparently. I got called into the Principal's office to explain myself before I even made it to my first class" she revealed.

"What kind of mishap?"

"Well... given that it was fake, and I made it at the library there were a few inconstancies. I guess I just got used to Fred doing these types of things for us".

"I get that. I'm so used to being a field agent, that it's weird to be relied upon as the main tech support for Captain Man" commiserated Charlotte.

The trio spent another 30 minutes or so chatting with Amelia before she had to go feed her cats and the trio started on their homework.


Evie's Notes:

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr @Find-y0ur-j0y! - Xo Evie

A New Hero: Henry Danger/ThundermansWhere stories live. Discover now