Amelia XVI

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Summary: Amelia and the band find a fun way to settle group disputes.

Evie's Notes: Hey y'all! I know it's been a while and I'm not promising regular updates but this was definitely a fun chapter to write! Thank you for your continued support, it truly means the world to me 💜. I hope that you all continue to love this story and enjoy this new update 🌺.


Mia enjoyed her weekend catching up with her team. The group of five had spent much of their time working on the property and ordering tech for the Danger Zone/tunnel system. Since the whole crew was in town, Mia took the chance to focus on getting to know Piper better. Piper, always strikingly perceptive, had announced that she wanted the tower room for herself, leading to Henry toppling off a ladder into Jasper's arms in shock. The trio clearly thought that they had been doing a good job hiding their personality changes and future plans from the younger girl. Amelia had just laughed and offered to help the girl pick out the paint color and furniture she wanted for her tower room.

Unfortunately all too soon the Swellview contingent had to return home. So after several rounds of hugs and promises to drive safe, Mia found herself standing in the drive waving as she watched the van's taillights fade away.

Heading back inside, Mia mixed up a quick salad for supper before checking her messages. With Henry and the others here, Mia had tried to implement a total Hiddenville Life Blackout. She loved her new friends, but she did not want to be wrapped up in all of their drama while hanging with her family.

Opening her text messages, Mia found that she had definitely made the right decision. Apparently Max and Pheobe had gotten rather vicious in their "epic fails" contest, resulting in a ruined recital and Phoebe buying Leech removal treatments (?) and Max a piece of sod. Amelia was just glad to have skipped out on the drama, though the pictures Cherry had snapped her of Max in a leotard were hilarious!

*A New Hero - A New Hero - A New Hero*

The next week flew by and before she knew it, it was Thursday afternoon! The band and Mia were gathered around the maze that they had built in the Thunderman's driveway.
"And now, may the fastest rat win" announced Max, taking the top off of his rat's carrier.

"Hey guys, we always do the fastest rat," complained Oyster. "You know what really says Rock & Roll? May the fattest rat win!".

"If you wanted your rat to be fast, Oyster, you should probably stop feeding him only gravy" suggested Amelia, while failing to stifle her laughter.

"Bug off Mia. You have no right to tell me how to raise my rat" defended Oyster, cuddling the fluffy rodent to his chest.

"Oh! Hey guys!" greeted Pheobe, making her way around the corner. "I just booked DJ Asturnat for the big dance".

Stopping to do a double take, the girl was clearly thrown off by the rats the boys and Mia were holding. Phoebe was never one to miss a chance to take a shot at her brother though, and recovered quickly. "Awww, and look Gid, Oyster and Max already found dates. How cute".

"Fuck off Pheebs. The band couldn't agree on a new look so we are deciding what to wear by racing rats".

"Then why is Amelia racing a rat?" asked Pheobe.

"Uh, because it's fun, duh!" defended Amelia. "Plus little Sasha was far too cute too pass up. She was living in my well for so long, but I couldn't bear to leave her out in the cold".

"Well 'Sasha' is a wild animal M, you would probably be better off having left her out in the well".

Mia gasped theatrically, before stumbling backwards and 'fainting' into Oyster's waiting arms. "How dare you Pheebs! You are breaking my heart. I don't know how Thomas and Duchess got to you so fast, but clearly you have joined their anti-rat campaign".

Her performance got several laughs from her boys, and even managed to pull a small chuckle out of the stocic girl.

"Yep, sorry M, the cats had a very convincing campaign and I have been appointed a captain in their war against rat-kind" teased the dark-haired girl.

"Well while we might be on opposite sides of this war know that youa re never far from my heart." fake-sobbed Mia dramatically, before bowing to the applause of her boys.

"Alright Pheobe, scram. We have a rat race to conduct" ordered Max.

"Couldn't you guys have just talked out your costuming issue?" asked Pheobe... ever the practical one.

"Then what would we do with the rats?" asked Gideon, honestly confused as to why she would suggest such a thing.

"Let us have our fun Pheebs. We're not hurting anyone, so walk your bony elbows that way please" sighed Max, rolling his eyes.

"I'm just saying that if you had an issue with your costume you could have asked a girl. Like me or Mia to see which would be the best option".

"No thanks, I'd rather rat race" disagreed Mia. "It's more fun this way".

"Just tell me your options and I'll give you my honest opinion" insisted Pheobe.

"Well I want Punk Rock," began Max.

"I suggested Robots!" added Gideon.

"But we all know the real answer is nothing but puka shells" argued Oyster.

"I don't know about you Bee, but I'm loving Oyster's idea" cackled Mia.

"Ugh. The good news is that no matter who wins, you all lose" declared Pheobe before finally heading off to meet Cherry.

"All right everyone! Start your rats!" called Gideon as the band placed their pets into the maze gated area.

"On your mark... get set... Rat race!" cheered Mia happily as Oyster blared an airhorn and Max released the gate.

Watching the rats scramble their way through the maze, Mia reflected that hanging with her crew made her the happiest she had been in a long, long time.


Evie's Notes 2: Thank you all so much for reading 💕! I hope you enjoyed this update, let me know what you want to see more of in the comments!

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr Find-y0ur-j0y! - Xo Evie💋👗🌺

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