39 (Epilogue)

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Okay now I'm contemplating.... should I make kook blond in my next book?

time skip hehe

It's been three years. Everyone was happy, relaxed. Jungkook and Taehyung moved out of Taehyungs house, and moved into a comfortable apartment near Jennies house. Taehyung pursued a career in flowers, having several famous floral shops around Korea. Jungkook used his medical knowledge to become a nurse, not wanting to be a doctor. Why, you ask? Because being a doctor meant he wouldn't be home or at Taehyungs floral shops as much. He also loves walking home to a different assortment of flowers everyday.

Lisa and Jennie got legally married in Canada, every one attended. Of course they didn't need documents to shown their love, but it felt nice to be wives somewhere in the world. Jennie became a driving instructor, quitting right after Taehyung. Lisa quit too, finally putting use to her degree in fashion and became a worldwide stylist. But she got to stay as close too her baby as possible. Whenever they had to travel, they'd always go together.

Yoongi and Jimin got past their troubles, becoming a strong couple. Jimin was a performing arts dance teacher, and Yoongi ran a music shop. It was actually an interesting shop, a large one too. On one side were varieties of instruments, hung on walls and showed in displays. In the middle stood a grand piano. On the end was a stage, along the side was a bar, the back stacked with drinks. The place was always full of people, and two things drew them all together, drinks and music.

Namjoon and Jin stayed with Hobi, still working at B.R.D. These two always had great chemistry, it was no surprise when they came out as a couple. There wasn't even that big of a plot behind their love, they met in a mission and grew close. It was cute.

Hobi was doing amazing. After nearly two years of whining about being the only single one in the groups a beautiful Angel lakes into his life. Kang Soo Sprite. A adorable bright boy with a bubbly personality. He applied as a secretary for Hobi. In all honesty, Hobi picked him because of his vibrant green hair. They've been together for a year and it's adorable to see how innocent Sprite is.

The company had changed. No guns, no violence, just trading. Of course it wasn't good, trading drugs in general, but with the decreased violence, Blood Risen Demons had become the highest profiting underground drug supplier. Over the years, they'd gained so much respect that others never attacked them. They just took the drugs, said thanks and left.

Yeonjun was doing really well. Much too everyone's suprise, he came out. He was bisexual and had a boyfriend named Soobin, everyone loved him. With the reveal of his sexuality the siblings called themselves 'The Gay Musketeers'.

After the death of her husband, Jungkooks mother had stayed away from him. She tried to make things better With Yeonjun, but he didn't believe her. She was still the same, heartless mother. She wasn't fooling anyone with this act.

With the elimination of people that dragged them down, these people pushed through it. The journey came with pain, patience, emotional times, scary and cruel. But they all made it, especially Jungkook and Taehyung.

No one would've ever guessed it. Jungkook, a boy whose been mentally (and physically) abused would end up with Taehyung, a boy who hated his father, hated his so called fate and actually successfully fake dated for year just to avoid marriage.

No one would've guessed their bond would become close. No one would've known what they felt and how much the little thing affected each other. The hardships they faced, the feelings... it was all unexpected. In the end, these two were truly a... Unexpected Pairing.


Ladies, gentleman and others roll the credits- WAIT!

I believe I promised you all smuts, so don't worry, I got ya! There will be a individual smut chapters for Taekook and Yoonmin.

Also I never really explained the backstory behind Yoonmin so maybe it'll be a long Yoonmin chapter, that'd take some time.

And after the smuts I think I'll do a cute chapter, a short meet up of them all. Then an authors note and finally... the end.

Stay tuned, stay safe!

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