Walking down the hallway, timberlands tucked under dress pants clicking along the marble floor. A strange yet comfortable fashion, as Taehyung learned from Jungkook. But of course, his father wouldn't talk to him without doing what he does everytime. Send someone to fight him. To test him.

Knowing this, Taehyung swiftly stepped aside, the man sent to tackle him, now groaning on the floor, seeming to have landed on his "lower abdomen".

Kneeling down, Taehyung turns he man around, taking his mask off.

"Gotta work on your stealth Hobi."

"Nice to see you too asshole."

They both chuckled as Taehyung helped Hoseok up. Continuing to walk down the corridor with eachother, Hobi says.

"I want money Tae."


"I might not have children because of you."

"You're so dramatic, my god!"

"I landed on my dick 'cause of you!"

"That's your fault idiot!"

They continued there quarreling for what seemed like ages, but was only a few minutes. Stopping in front of a large oak door, Taehyung sighs.

"I'm guessing hes in here already."


"This is gonna be annoying."


"Sigh let's go..."

Grabbing on to the large, golden door handle, he pushes the door open. Hoseok behind him, they walk farther into the large darkly tinted room. Walls painted maroon, with polished black floors, bookshelfs with money plants grew to the ground, books occupied every section. In the middle was a dark, round table with three chairs. And there he was, the man who took part in creating Taehyung. His father.

Taehyung went to sit down on one end of the table, Hoseok sat near the edge. His father looked at him and smiled, wrinkles spread across his face. He looked just like Taehyung, just older. Hairs completely white, a small beard, and lots and lots of wrinkles.

"Taehyung, lovely to see you."

The man spoke.


"I guess no need for small talk, you already know what I want."

"Father, I've told you lots of times, I'm not taking your position, nor am I marrying."

"Why Taehyung why? I'm reaching my deathbed soon, I need a qualified person to take over what I built- what we built!"

The man starting raising his voice, Taehyung was angry and Hoseok, he wasnt allowed to speak. So much to say, yet he couldn't. He was merely an assistant.


Taehyung said with gritted teeth.

"No Taehyung! Listen! You will take my position, and you will marry a woman I choose for you!"

Taehyung slams his hand on the table, abruptly standing up, his chair being harshly tipped over.

"I'm not killing innocent people, and I'm not marrying because I have Ju- Jennie!"

He fumed.

"I'm leaving."

He turns around, speed walking to the door, slamming it behind him. He leaves to building, entering his car, immediately driving away. Parking to the first mall he saw, he throws his head back, groaning in frustration. He slams his hand on the wheel. He hated, No, despised the old man. But he couldn't get one thing off his mind. He fake dates Jennie so his father doesn't make him get married, but in that room, under pressure, he nearly yelled Jungkooks name. What the fuck.

Unexpected Pairing| K.T.H J.J.KWhere stories live. Discover now