Jungkook woke up in a soft bed, slowly yawning as he got up. Instinctively, he went to the bathroom to wash his face. He found a brush with his name on it and used it quickly. The boy was still half asleep, not aware of his surroundings, that is until he bumps into someone taller than him.

"Goodmorning Jungkook!"

Taehyung smiles, preventing his laugh at the small boys funny looking shocked face.

"Ahem, goodmorning Taehyung, um... can I ask why I'm here..?"

Taehying laughs remembering the actions of last night. Jungkook standing there, visibly shaking in fear, wondering what sort of stupid stunt he pulled. Taehyung noticed and rubbed the youngers shoulder reassuringly.

"You didn't do anything bad! Come, let's go eat, and we can talk about last night, hm?"

Jungkook nodded but then looked down, gasping at his bare stomach being exposed.

"Oh, I sould probably get you some clothes, I'll get you a towel too, you can take a shower!"

Jungkook nods as Taehyung quickly walks to a pantry, grabbing Jungkook what he needs. He smiles handing it to the younger. Jungkook was about to enter the bathroom when Taehyung said.

" Nice abs Kook!"

Jungkook wasn't sure if he was blushing because of the compliment or the nickname. He just muttered a quick thanks while quickly closing the door and taking a shower.

Taehyung chuckled and started preparing breakfast.


  Jungkook finished his shower, exiting his bathroom. He walks downstairs to see pancakes on a plate, waiting for him. He slowly enters the dining area, sitting down. Taehyung looks up and smiles at him.

"You wanna know what happend last night right?"

Jungkook nods.

"Well, first of all, you're by far the best person to be tipsy with!"

Taehyung states enthusiastically.

"You started singing this really catchy song, and then we started dance, and you did these really cool flips! You only puked once before passing out, that's like the highest puke tolerance I've ever seen!"

Taehyung stops and looks at Jungkook. Jungkook seemed expressionless.

"You good Kook?"

"Y-you like my singing...?"

"Fuck yes!"

The younger flinched.

"Oops, I mean, fuck yes!"

Taehyung whisper shouts causing Jungkook to laugh. Taehyung smiles.

"We took some selfies as well!"

He shows Jungkook his phone, Jungkook scrolling through the pictures, smile getting bigger at each picture.

"Wow, I act like a crackhead when I'm drunk..."

That caused Taehyung and Jungkook to laugh aloud.


It was 4'o clock now, Taehyung and Jungkook had been hanging out all day due to Jennies instructions. Jungkook was now in Jennies car, starting it up, when the thought came into his head. How does Jennie afford such a luxurious car? She only worked as a nurse part time... and mom and dad never give her money...

He would ask his big sister this question later. He was about to start driving when he saw Taehyung raising his hand at him signaling him to stop. He immediately stopped the car and rolled down the window.

"What do you need Hyung?"

"Jungkook I'd hate to ask this, but can you drop me off at my friends house? My cars in repair and-"

"Hop in!"

Taehying smiles, sitting inside. He types in his friends address.

Jungkook looks around the neighborhood he drives in, wondering why it was so familiar. Then it hit him, this was Jimin's neighborhood! He hadn't seen Jimin since he heard him and Yoongi fucking... Maybe this would be a good time to talk to him.

"Taehyung, one of my friends live here as well, I think I'll visit him today!"

"Awesome, should we ride back to your house when we're done?"

"Yeah, just text me when your done."

They both walk down the same sidewalk, thinking that their friends live quite close together. But then they both stop at the same house. Confused, they look at eachother. They both talk.

"Wait! You're friends with-"

The door flys open.

"Jungkook, Taehyung? What are you guys doing together?"

Jimin exclaims.


Yes, their will be a major plot, I just don't wanna introduce it too fast!

How is the story for you currently? Too fast, too slow? I'm not a fan of fast live stories, so I tend to make my stories more realistic time periods to fall in love:) or at least develop some sort of feeling!

Stay tuned, stay safe!

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