Jungkook walked into a tall building with tall columns running all over the sides. The beige colour pallete made every beautiful piece of artwork pop. No chips in the walls, and perfectly polished marble floors. It was breathtaking.

 It was breathtaking

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(This but prettier)

Jennie noticed and chuckled.

"Its not that nice Kook."

"If you dont think this is nice, I dont know what your definition of nice is Jen."

Taehyung looks at his watch.

"I got to go, Jennie bring Kook to the conference room on in 30 minutes!"

And he quickly runs off.

"Whats he talking about?"

"He has a presentation for newcomers here, it's his job as the head of management."

"Taehyungs head of management? I thought you were... Dont our parents own B.R.D?"

"Urhm no. No they don't. In fact  I'm just an ordinary worker, and helper."

"Then what about mom and dad?"

"Their friends of the owner. Dad's the owners bedtfriend."

They start walking to the first destination while continuing their walk.

"Who's the owner?"

"I'm not actually allowed to say."


"Strict orders."

"I see. Wait...."

He stops to squint, trying to make out a familiar face.

"Is that... Lisa?"

He points to the girl standing by doors, talking to people and letting them in.

"It is her! Let's go talk to her Jennie!"

"I-I think shes busy..."

"No, look! No more people!"

He grabs Jennies hand and drags her over to Lisa.


"Kook?! What're you doing here?"

She hugs him.

"Jennie and Taehyung said I could come today!"

Lisa looks behind Jungkook, where Jennie was standing with her head down.

"I-I gotta go do something, take Jungkook to the presentation please."

She quickly walks in the door leaving a confused Jungkook and a frowning Lisa.

"Uh, let's go Kook..."

Of course Jungkook saw the tension between the two but didn't say anything, he just followed Lisa like a lost puppy.

They walked into an elevator, quiet.

"How've you been Kookie?"

"Fine I guess."

"How're things with your parents?"

"Haven't talked to them since they kicked me out."

"Really? Where do you stay now?"

"With Taehyung."

She widened her eyes.

"Taehyung let you stay with him?!"

"Yep, is this a big deal?"

They walked out the elevator, walking to the conference room. While walking, they continued their conversation.

"Well he's kind of cold to people he doesn't know. Surprised he likes you this much already."



"That's funny, Tae isn't cold at all. If anything hes a big baby."

He chuckles, Lisa is now confused.

"How long have you known Taehyung Jungkook?"

"Nearly 11 months."



"He opened up to Jennie, Me and a few if his friends, but those all took at least a year to establish good relationships. Was he nice when you first met him?"

"Very nice. Honestly the kindest person I saw in a while during the time..."

They stop at the conference room.

"Kook, I know I said I'd take you here, but... okay. I need to see Jennie. Really bad. Forgive me?"

"Its okay, I noticed the tension. Go, I'll find my way around."

"Thank you so much Kookie!"

And with that she runs off.

Jungkook turns to the door and enters, immediately meeting Taehyungs eyes, eyes that looked so dull before he entered. Taehyung smiled the second he saw Jungkook, but couldn't wave or say anything since he was stil presenting.

Jungkook walks in quickly, sitting in an empty chair, smiling at Taehyung. Taehyungs mood was lifted, confusing everyone, never seeing their boss like this. The cold demeanor disappearing.

Everything was going well. Candidates were asking questions which Taehyung gladly answered. But then someone ran through the door, armed with a pistol.

"Hands up!"

It's not a cop teheh

Stay tuned, stay safe!

Unexpected Pairing| K.T.H J.J.KWhere stories live. Discover now