Ignoring the message with the clouded mind, Taehyung quickly got in his car to rush to B.R.D. He had gotten notice from them to say Jungkooks surgery was finally finished.

Entering the building, there was a nurse already waiting for him.

"Mr. Kim come with me."

She gestured to him to follow and led him to a hospital room. Behind the curtains, you could hear sobs and quiet encouraging words.

He entered to see Jennie crying on Lisa's lap, turning to him when he entered.

"Tae... K-kookie..."

He immediately turned his head to the boy in the bed, with a huge gauze wrapped around his neck, tubes in his nose, breathing heavily while still asleep.

"I-is he okay?"

He whispered, forcing his tears back.

"Apperenty theres good news and bad news. The doctor will come in a bit."

Lisa says as Jennie is continuing her sobbing.


Taehyung sits down on the chair next to Jungkook. Crossing his legs, his breath hitches at the pale boy. The honey tanned skin replaced with a light tone. His natural pink tints seemed more vibrant. His energetic eyes replaced with bags. His forhead crinkling at his dreams. Poor boy...

The doctor entered.

"You must be his friends and boyfriend."

"B-boyfriend? Uh no sir, I'm just a friend. That's his sister..."

He points at Jennie while furiously blushing.

"O-oh I'm so sorry. I just assumed because you looked so... down. Um anyways Ms. Jeon, are your parents present?"

"T-they said they'd meet him once he's out..."

"Then you will considered his guardian during the moment. As my nurses informed you, there is good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?"

"G-good news please."

"Okay. The stab was only deep enough to partially break through his larynx, also known as his voice box."

"And the bad news?"

Taehyung quietly asked.

The doctor sighs.

"Even with the small cut to the larynx, the blade still managed to graze his vocal fold. It was repairable, which is why we consider this a successful surgery. Although, while this recovers, Mr. Jeon will have trouble speaking clearly. It'll go away fairly quick but he should talk as much as he can."

He hands them a papers before asking.

"Any questions?"


"Mr Jeon will be discharged tonight. We reccomend you take him straight home, and lay him down. Please take off his clothing, entirely naked. "

He continued.

"Medicine used during the surgery caused him a fever. Also the chemical used to make him numb will cause one day paralysis to his legs, so he wont walk for a day or two."

Taking a deep breath, he finished.

"With that being said, have an amazing day. Speedy recovery to Jungkook!"

And he left, with the shocked three.

It was time to bring Jungkook home. Since it was an under ground hospital, Jungkook couldn't be in a wheelchair, do Taehyung had to carry him.

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