Basically the start

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"I'm Taehyung, nice to meet you."

"Oh honey, don't greet him, it's not like he matters!"

Jungkooks  mother exclaims.

"Nice to meet you to..."

I mutter. I'm about to leave to my room when I hear that deep voice again.

"What's your name?"


I say, turning my head back. I give a light smile to the dark haired boy who claimed the title of my sisters boyfriend. I enter my room. He probably pitied me. I close my eyes trying to sleep but all I can hear are my my parents voices, my sisters voice, my brothers voice.... and his deep laughter.

I can't handle. All I know is their all out there, trying to ignore me. My entire family ignores my existence. Funny thing is, they actually ignored me before I came out as gay. Actually, my sister, Jennie, never ignored me. And my little brother, Yeonjun, didnt ignore me either. It's mainly my parents. What else did I expect from those homophobic assholes?


this story is undergoing major editing cuz i wrote it two years ago and looked back at it and like

what the fuck


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