Taehyung woke up around 3 am, unintentionally cuddling Jungkooks waist. Suprised at his actions, he quickly unwrapped himself from the younger. He never liked people with him, but this felt so comfortable. He felt so good. Refreshed.

Confused in his behavior, he looks at the younger boy, observing him carefully. His skin was like honey, tan and clear. A natural shine on the side of his face, down his sharp jawline. A pink tint on his eyes and lips, making him look so attractive. And his eyelashes, so long. He really was a handsome boy. Some might say beautiful.

Taehyung liked Jungkook, he'd gotten much closer to the boy over the past months. They were like lifetime friends now, even if their time was short. But Taehyung felt weird sometimes. Sometimes, he'd catch himself staring at the younger boy, or he'd lock eyes with him. Of course Jungkook would always turn away and ignore it, but he didn't want to ignore. He doesn't know what he wants, but he'll figure it out. He's bound to.

He shakes the younger, attempting to wake him up.

"Kook wake up, let's go to bed..."

"Mnmn leave me here..."


"No... wanna sleep..."

"Okay then."

Taehyung quickly gets up and stares at Jungkook. The younger is so sleepy that he doesn't even mind the uncomfortable position on the couch. Taehyung went to his last resort. He slid his hand under Jungkooks knee, and one supporting his neck. Carrying him upstairs bridal style. The younger nuzzled into his neck and whispered.

"You're so warm..."

Taehyung blushed and felt his heart flutter. What's happening to me? He wondered. He put Jungkook on his bed then went to leave but immediately got pulled by Jungkook. He landed right beside him, seeing the boy with slightly open eyes glaring at him. You could tell he was half asleep. Taehyung smiled at his face.

"You're very bad hyung!"

He spoke, barely awake.

"How so?"

"I found the herb oil that you're supposed to put on your shoulder, unopened!"

"That's because no one can put it on me..."

"What about Jennie?"

"No.... she's...um... not careful."

"Then I'll do it you idiot, as next time!"

He slurred his speech and turned the other way. Confused, Taehyung attempted to leave, but was pulled back. Without turning his head, Jungkook grabs Taehyungs arm and puts it on his waist.

"You're staying here. It's your punishment."

Taehyung was very, very, very, very, very red. Blushing to the max. This.... this didn't feel like a punishment. This felt nice. He pulls the comforter over them and nuzzles into Jungkooks back, arms wrapped around his waist completely. Within a few minutes, the boys are snoring.
Facing eachother, so closely. Faces only inches apart. Slowly, they both open their eyes. Smiling at first, then raising how close they were. They screamed as Jungkooks reflexes cause him to kick Taehyung off the bed. Taehyung cursed loudly at the impact. Jungkook realised that he was with Taehyung and quickly got off the bed to check on Taehyung.

"Shit sorry Tae!"

"I swear to god if my ass didn't hurt you'd be dead right now!"

"I didn't know it was you who was in bed with me!"

"Who else would it be?!"

The two boys continue bickering while they walk downstairs. While Jungkook starts cooking eggs, Taehyung asks.

"You remember nothing from last night?"

"No, just falling asleep on the couch."

"Well, I'll explain!"


"First you were being a whiny bitch and made me carry you upstairs, then you nuzzled into my neck and said I was warm. When we got to your room, you pulled me down on the bed and scolded me for not using that oil stuff, then you said you'll put it on me. Then you brought me down again, made me hug you, and said it was my punishment."

Jungkook completely stopped his actions and stood still with a red face, the eggs were now burning. Taehyung was quick to the rescue and saved the eggs. Jungkook sat down as Taehyung took over cooking duty.

"I did that...?"


"So I have to massage your shoulder?"


"Damn ittttt!"

"Your fault teehee!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah, you have to do it when Jennie is here."


"She has a problem and she's gonna chill with us all day, maybe sleepover."

"When will she be here?"

"20 minutes."

"Okay then, feed me so I can shower!"

"What's the magic word?"


"The other one."


"Good boy!"


Taehyung has new feelings! Yay! Jennies heart broken! Aww!
Jungkooks hungry! What's new?

Stay safe, stay tuned!

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