Chapter 12 (Oh Poseidon's Stinky Underwear)

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Skylar's POV:

"Well where have you been. Better yet. Where is my sister?" Jason asks, and I keep a straight face but internally I am freaking out.

"Umm, Addie is busy visiting her cousin on her mom's side, and Emma and I went with her because her cousin was really depressed and Addie needed help cheering her up." I say, trying to stick to the truth as much as possible.

I know if I stick to the truth because then I wont get caught up in a lie. I know that Emma and Addie should be the ones to tell their brothers, and when they are just starting a new relationship you don't want to introduce the family so soon.

"Oh really, now, are they?" I hear Jason ask with skepticism, and then he grins and I know I am in trouble.

"Okay, so call them." Nico says, and I look at him and smirk.

I know Addie and Emma are both with Bella right now because I am still getting texts from Emma complaining about being with Bella. I pick up my phone and pull up Emma's contact and hit face time.

"Okay, sure, no problem." I say, and I see the guys look at me weirdly.

"OMG, she is sooo annoying. Can you believe that she has had two guys fawning over her. Seriously I mean I can't believe that Jake likes her. UGH!" Emma starts complaining as soon as I answer the phone.

"Hey Em, our brothers and the seven plus Will, want to know where you guys are so I told them that you were with Bella right now." I say, and see Emma nod through the phone.

"Yeah okay, Hi guys we are really with Addie's annoying cousin who thinks that she is worth a million dollars when she is, she is, um, I can't think of what she acts like." Emma says, trailing off and looking frustrated.

"You mean a Walmart Elena." I say, and I see Emma's eyes light up in humar.

"OMG, she SO is!" Emma says, and starts cackling on the phone.

"Oh no Emma what are you cackling like a hyena over?" I hear Addie ask. "Is it about Bella, Emma I swear if you are making fun of my cousin again. I will strike you down with lighting right now." Addie says, sounding done with Emma already.

Now I am cackling and bent over holding my stomach while the seven Nico and Will look confused.

"Who is Bella?" I hear Will ask.

"Nevermind her. Who is Elena, and how is Bella a 'Walmart' version of her?" Nico asks, confused beyond belief.

"DID YOU CALL MY COUSIN A WALMART ELENA. EMMA MARY HUNT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Addie yells at Emma, clearly hearing Will and Nicos questions.

Now I am on the floor laughing my butt off while cackling at Emma being blamed. The guys are snickering at Emma getting blamed along with Piper and me. While Annabeth and Hazel look at me with the 'You are so going to take blame for this' look.


"YOU BARNACLE BRAIN!" I hear Addie yell at me.

Oh game on.


At this point Leo is on the ground with me, and Percy has officially started cackling. Jason looks offended by that statement seeing he did the same thing. I mean what is with the children of Zeus and staplers. It's like their nemesis. Sorry got off track where I was? Oh yes claiming my glorious victory after that roast. Annabeth is giggling with Piper who is cackling louder than anyone else and pointing at Jason's scar. Nico is smirking and Will is turning red looking ready to blow at any point. (Lets just hope it's not Nico in front of us. I mean. Whaaaaat? I didn't say anything.) ;).

"Wow. That one hurt Sky. Deep in my soul hurt. I thought you loved me?" I hear Addie say, and I can hear Emma cackling so loud and see that Embry is over there seeing what happened to make sure she is okay.

I look over at Nico and see him glaring at Embry over the phone, and look over at me with accusing eyes. I give him an innocent look, but I know that he didn't buy it.

"Only sometimes, and we both know that I am not a barnacle brain. I am smarter than both of you, times 100." I say.

"Yeah, yeah, our two brain cells put together. WOW. what a big accomplishment." I hear Addie say over the phone.

At this point Annabeth is by Percy on the floor cackling, and I wonder when we got a herd of hyenas in camp. Oh well.

"You do realize that you just unintentionally called yourself stupid right?" I ask over the phone.

"You- what- uh- SHUT UP BARNICLE BRIAN!" Addie yells back, getting flustered and not being able to make a comeback to that.

I hear Emma laughing along with the rest of us, and I feel myself getting ready to make fun of her as well.

"Emma you do realize that she included you in her statement right?" I ask, and I see Emma get confused for a second.

Wait for it. Wait for iiiiitttttt. (AN- Psych anyone?) Then I see her eyes flicker in realization, and look at Addie in anger. She starts to yell at Addie, but I get too lost in thought to listen to what she is saying.

At this point I realize that while in Forks I changed my personality from funny and sarcastic to serious and depressed. Now I may have a good reason to be that way that's not how I normally act. I normally am the one to crack jokes and make everyone laugh while dishing out sarcasm like Oprah with cars. But in Forks I changed to my mom mode, and was toned down to make sure Bella was okay. I don't even know why I did that when she clearly didn't like me. I mean after she kissed Jacob she just smirked at me.

I really thought that Bella was hurting, and that I was doing what was best for her. But with how she was acting after she found out about Jacob I can't help but wonder if it was all an act. Would she really be that shallow? Was it all and act? No. I think she truly loved Edward, and I don't think she knows about me being Jacob's imprint. I think she thought that I had a crush on Jacob, and that was her way of saying that he was hers. I mean she probably has some abandonment issues after what Edward did to her.

I mean I think I would have been absolutely crushed if one day Tyler just decided to one day up and leave with no explanation. I mean what person leaves another person in a forest after breaking up with them. Especially in this climate, Bella probably would have died if someone didn't take her out of the forest when they did.

Which gets me thinking. How did Edward get out of the forest so fast? This reminds me of the conversation we had with Laurant, he was talking about the Cullens like he knew them. Like they were his kind, but Laurent was a vampire. That would mean the Cullens are too.

Great! Bella is in love with a freaking SPARKLEPLIER AND SHAPESHIFTER! GOODIE! I was really hoping for some interspecies fighting. NOT!

I had my suspicions about the Cullens, but I just couldn't think clearly in Forks. Now that I think back on it I did see a scare on Bella's wrist, and I bet you that is why there is a war coming.

I get pulled back into the conversation on the phone, and that is when I know we are in trouble.

"Hey Addie, I was meaning to talk to you. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me?" I hear a masculine voice ask which I think is Paul, and I see Jason go red.

"EXCUSE ME! YOUNG LADY! WHOM IS THAT?" Jason yells and I hear Addie on the other line.

"Oh Poseidon's stinky underwear." Addie mumbles.


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Image of Emma up top (Selena Gomez)

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