Chapter 7 (The Truth)

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Skylar's Pov:

I watch as Jacob leads Bella out of the house, and I feel broken. I zone out getting lost in my head, but come back when I hear Emma yelling.

"That stupid Κώλος" Emma said using greek at the end, and to keep this kid friendly I will say she said 'jerk butt'. Read between the lines. (AN~ I used google translate so sorry if it isn't correct.)

"Emma calm down" Addie says looking mad herself.

"Why don't you guys look shaken up or anything?" One of the guys said, I think his name is Sam, and I am glad that we have a subject change. I don't care if that guy likes me or not. Soulmate or not I will not be treated the way he is treating me. I know for a fact that they can just be a friend or a brother, so I don't have to give him the time of day. I have gone through too much to be ignored like that.

"Why don't you go first then we will explain. Since you guys exposed yourselves first." I say trying to calm the tension.

"What do you mean to expose ourselves first?" Emma's soulmate Embry asks.

"Like she said why don't you explain first then we will." Addie says.

"Okay?" Embry asks, looking protective over Emma. I personally am glad that they have people to protect them now.

"Oh no" I say, realizing something that I know both girls haven't thought of.

"What?" Everyone asks.

"Guys, our brothers," I say, and I see Emma and Addie pale.

"We are so dead" Addie says

"What about your brothers. Are they going to hurt you or something!" Addies imprint says, and I think his name is Paul.

"No, they aren't going to hurt us. You on the other hand. . ." Emma says while mumbling the last sentence.

"Lets just have them explain, then we can worry about that." I say, trying to lose the image of Percy beating the living crap out of Jacob.

They then went on to explain everything even imprinting, and after they are done Emma looks at them and says,

"So pretty much you shift into Wolves because of Vampires to protect your tribe, and I'm Embry's soulmate or 'imprint' and Addie is Paul's. Not to mention Sky is Jacob's imprint, but he is too in love with Bella to see it. While Bella was dating the only single Vampire known to you in Forks." After Emma does the 'amazing' rap up they look at her shocked, but nod nonetheless.

"Yeah, you seem pretty calm about everything. I mean you all do." One of the guys that drove us here says, I think his name is Jared but I am not positive on that.

"I guess it's our turn now" Emma says, she then proceeds to shove me in front of them "Go ahead Sky". She says, giving me an award winning smile.

"I guess I am explaining then," I say with a laugh and eye roll. "Okay, so what do you know about Greek Mythology?" I ask

"What are you talking about? Can you just explain, and not try to change the subject?" Paul says, looking irritated.

"Shut up Paul" Addie says while giving him a death glare, and I know they shift into wolves, and that is like a dog. But come on he looked like a kicked puppy. All of the guys snicker and Emma then gives Embry a death glare and he stops. Which makes Jared burst out laughing while Sam just smirks and shakes his head. When Jared stops I continue.

"So as I was saying what do you guys know about Greek Mythology?"

"Like Zeus and Hades?" Embry ask, and I cringe I mean my dad is just as powerful if not more people should remember him if they remember his brothers. Emma and Addie both snicker at that and I give them a glare. Not a full death glare, more like a minor glare, but they shut up fast.

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