Chapter 14 (Not Again!)

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Jacob's POV:

After I get Bella home from the beach I go home to go to sleep. I had been chasing that red headed leach all throughout Canada with Paul, and I was exhausted. I felt like a part of me was missing, but I just ignored it thinking it was me being tired.

When I woke up my heart felt like there was a rope tied around it, and I couldn't breath. I ran outside and tried to shift, but I couldn't. It was like the spirits wouldn't let me. So I ran all of the way to Sam's house, and heard laughing.

Once I got inside everyone looked at me, Emma and Addie with glares, and the rest with disgust or anger. When Sam noticed I was having a hard time breathing he walked me outside. Making sure that the imprints were safe I noticed, and as soon as I had that thought the pain got worse.

Last night I had a dream, and it made me realise how stupid I have been. I mean Bella isn't interested in me, and used me to get information about the Cullens. She wasn't flirting with me, and she used me and my feelings as a means to get what she wants. In the dream I was married to Skylar, and we had kids, 3 boys and a girl, and it made me realise just how beautiful Skylar truly was. When I woke up I was ready to go tell her that I am accepting her as my imprint, but the heart throbbing pain made me go to Sam's first. I mean I wasn't ready to date her I still love Bella, but maybe we can be friends? Yeah I don't believe myself either. 

Wait if Addie and Emma are inside, that means Skylar is in there too. I have to get inside and talk to her, I don't even think I have said 2 words to her since I met her. She will forgive me though, the imprint bond is too powerful for her to resist. I mean Emily couldn't resist it from Sam for long, which means that all I have to do is wait.

Once we get far enough into the forest Sam shakes his head at me like I did something wrong. I mean it's not like Skylar knew about me imprinting on her, so I didn't do anything wrong. I mean, I love Bella, no dream can change that fact. So I may accept Skylar, but if Bella were to come back to me I think I would just change Skylar and I's bond to a friendship bond. I mean I know I can't be her brother, not with certain thoughts running through my head, but I can be her friend right? Yeah, I am not in denial you are! (AN- Sure we are Jake, sure we are)

"Well Jacob, I have some bad news for you." Sam says, and he looks at me with fake sympathy.

I can tell that it is fake, and that shocks me beyond words. I mean why is he giving me FAKE sympathy.

"What Sam, do you know what is happening to me?" I ask, with a little anger showing through my words.

"Skylar left. She went home." Sam says, and I feel my heart break and shatter in little pieces.

"No, no, she didn't" I say, and Sam just looks at me.

"Jacob, if you weren't so concerned with Bella, you would have heard what the girls are. Or maybe you would have known that there is a war coming and those girls are the people meant to stop it." Sam says, and I give him a weird look.

"What do you mean 'what the girls are?' and what war are you talking about Sam?" I ask, concerned for Bella getting involved, and curious on what Skylar is.

"That's for the girls to explain to you when you have earned their trust, and all we know is that a war is coming. I think it has something to do with the red headed leech." Sam says, and I start getting angrier by the minute.

"I don't have to earn their trust Sam, Skylar is my imprint, that means that I have already earned her trust. Thanks to the spirits." I say, and mumble the last part under my breath.

"Wait. Hold on. You think that the spirits make her trust you? You couldn't be more far from the truth Jacob. Let me guess you think that you will get to choose what relationship you have with her, and when Bella finally gives you the time of day you will change the bond to a friend bond, right?" Sam asks, when he realizes that's what I am thinking he bursts out laughing.

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