Chapter 21 (Hehe, Beach)

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Skylar's POV:

When I finally get back to Bella's house I see a car that gives me the chills. Knowing never to doubt my instincts, I take Hurricane off my right ring finger and take a deep breath.

Here we go.

I sneak around the house and go in through the back. Once I take a look through one of the windows I see a pixie looking girl with skin as pale as Khione. Oh great this is going to end well. Then when she turns around I see the golden eyes that proclaims her as a Cullen that Bella loves so much.

This must be Alice. Awesome, if they are what the prophecy is talking about it is time to make some vamp-kabobs.

OOO-That would mean that I could leave. That means no more awkward talks and looks at Jacob, and Bella feeling free-Not that she minded before anyways- to act on her feelings for him. I could go home, and finally be reunited with my mom and sister.

Oh and Paul, lets not forget about Paul.

You know I just noticed that Addie's soulmate has the same name as my step-father. Oo. That can get awkward very fast. Maybe I will just call dog Paul, Paulie. Oh yeah that is definitely what I am going to do.

Oh Zeus' temper tantrums, I have been outside staring at this disco ball for a while now that I hadn't even realised that Bella had gotten home. This stupid girl was in their loving up on the walking Swarovski Crystal, and now I had to go in there to make sure that she didn't get killed. I mean maybe I don- darn it to Hades of course I do because she is Addies cousin. 

"Bella really? Do you go looking for danger or are you just a danger magnet?" I ask, when I get into the house. 

"Bella, who is this?" The walking succubus asks me. 

Wow I just realised that I have a lot of not nice names for these things. I am really on a roll, maybe next time I should count them. Just not now seeing as this thing looks like it wants to make me it's next meal, and not in the way I like- Oh crap. I am sorry children forget that last comment. I really need to keep my thoughts to myself. I forgot there where children reading this. 

Oops :')

"Yeah Bella, I second that statement, who is this- um - thing?" I ask, cocking my head to give this thing a once over. 

I mean I don't see the attraction, but I guess that's because I like tan and toned, not lifeless and the color of Khione. I mean come on now, these things were supposed to be attractive, just look at it's eyes. It creepily golden, not the nice warm chocolate brown that- EECK! NOPE! Not going to finish that thought. I mean I couldn't imagine if its eyes were RED! I mean WHAT! YUCK!

"Excuse you, but I am not a thing." the incubus says, and I then realise that these are people.

Creepy looking people, but people nonetheless, and they didn't choose this life, kinda like I didn't choose my life. They were just trying to survive in the most humane way possible, and make a good difference in the world. So I bite back my hackles and I do something that I think is long overdue. 

"I am sorry, I didn't realise that you- you know what it doesn't matter. My excuse for my poor behavior, won't change the fact that my behavior was uncalled for and rude. I hope that you don't take what I said to heart, because honestly I don't know you and you don't know me." I say, and I watch as surprise takes over her face and she does the unthinkable. 

She launches herself at me and HUGS ME! Now I know most people just think that I am over reacting to this but not only is it like hugging a frozen corpse. But also, she is touching me, and I am not a touchy person. I mean I used to be, but that was before- before- you know what just before. So I do the only thing that I think is logical, and I scream. 

When I say scream I mean SCREAM. LOUD. 


"Oh I am so sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't mean." She starts stumbling, and scrambling to apologize. 

"Hey, it's okay, you didn't mean to." I say softly, in the tone that I use with the younger kids at camp.

I mean maybe that why I get called mom, because I am the one that takes care of everyone at camp. Tyler used to get called dad because he fixed everyone up when they got hurt, and he used to yell at them while he did it. I was the one who would calm him down and get him to just relax. I then would make sure that everyone was okay, and even stay up with the kids if they ever had a nightmare, making sure they were okay. That landed me the mom name, and I kinda just own it know. 

I guess I missed the whole conversation while I was thinking about that, stupid ADHD. It is then that I realise that everyone is outside and Jacob is here. Yelling at Bella asking her to stay for him. Wow. Just WOW. 

I walk outside and I get shoved into the car by Bella. I mean she couldn't really shove me if I didn't want her to, but I kinda let her curious on what she was thinking when she shoved me into the car. 

"What's going on?" I ask, because this car isn't flipping leaving if I don't know what is happening.

"Edward is going to kill himself because he thinks I am dead. We have to go to Italy to make sure that he doesn't kill himself out of guilt." Bella explains, while frantically trying to tug me into the car.

Hold up, what does she mean we are going to save the guy who left her. The guy whose fault it is she is like this. The whole reason that we are here. WTH! Hold on before you yell at me I was saying What The Hades. See not the same thing. Ha gotcha beach!

Hehe, beach, ya get it. Ya know cause I am a child of Poseidon. You know what never mind. 

"Why are we saving him?" I ask, ya know like a normal person would. 

"Because he can't kill himself out of guilt. I am not just going to take him back I just can't stand the thought of him killing himself over me, and he is only doing that because he feels guilty. Not because he loves me, okay. I understand that, I just I need to make sure that he doesn't do that. After that you can drag me out of there, but I just need to make sure of that." Bella tells me, ranting a little in the process.

"Okay, I guess then we can go." I said.

"Wait really?" Bella asks, like she can't believe that I would go with her. 

"Yeah, you made a good point, and if you try to go back on not taking him back easily then I will just drag your happy hiney back here." I say, and then look at Alice in a very serious manner. 

"If anything happens to her while we are there, by the hand of your family or not, I will kill you and I will enjoy it. I will make you understand why I am feared and why I could walk through hell and back by myself. Do you understand me?" I ask in a serious calm, and watch her face pale more that I thought possible. 

I mean this girl might as well have been translucent at this point. But oh well, I guess I got Percy's glare down. 


I'M BACK Y'ALL! So sorry for the late update, but thank you for all of your support!

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