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Skylar's POV:

Breath in, breath out, breath in, breat- wait! How do I breathe again! I look over at Percy and Annabeth with panic clear on my face, I am sure.

"Hey, calm down it isn't that serious it's just our mom." Percy says, looking in between me and Annabeth with a look I can only describe as "What in the Hades do I do to calm her down?!?"

"Sky, why are you so scared?" Annabeth asks me, and I look at her with tears in my eyes that I wouldn't let fall just yet.

"What if she doesn't want me? What if she was relieved that I died, because she wouldn't have the responsibility of twins?" I ask her, and I start hyperventilating.

"Anna what if she doesn't want me because she already has another daughter? I am broken, who would want me? Nobody wants me." I say the last part as more of a mumble than anything.

Having a double meaning behind the 'Nobody wants me' but I won't tell them about Jacob yet. I mean how do you bring that up. 'Hey Percy, Annabeth, how have you been? Oh yeah by the way, my soulmate is disgusted by the thought of me, and he is in love with Addie's cousin.'. I mean there is no good way to bring this up, and I feel like I am drowning. Which I haven't felt since Ty.

"What are you TALKING ABOUT! She will LOVE you! As much as I do. You are my sister, and her daughter. You can take down a thousand emposie and not flinch, but when it comes to our mother you break down. Now look at me, she will love you no matter what, but you can't put this off until you are 30. Now go up there and talk to our mother. I know you don't want to 'disrupt Estelles life', but you deserve a mother too. Just because you are a demigod doesn't mean that you don't need a mother." Percy says then sighs.

"I think that you should stay in New York, just to get to know her and Estelle or even Paul. They are your family, and my little sister too. I know you were supposed to be there growing up with me, and I think we would have been best friends, but that isn't how it happened. You are now my little sister, and so is Estelle. So stop acting like you are below her, because you aren't and honestly I can't stand to see you like this. You take the world on your shoulder, and act like everything is fine, but you can't do that forever. I can't imagine what you are going through especially since you have lost Tyler, and I don't know what I would do if I had lost Annabeth. But what you are doing isn't healthy." Percy says, and he looks close to tears.

"I have to sit every Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween, and even mom and I's birthday, and watch mom look off into the distance in sadness. On my birthday she would always make 2 cakes, and I never got why until I met you. She was missing YOU! She has a blanket in her room, and when I asked her what it was she would always say 'Someone who you would have loved.'. The blanket was a white and blue tye dye blanket. My baby blanket was green and blue tye dye, and she got you a blue and white tye dye. Mom would be so happy to see you, you have no idea how much she already loves you." Percy says looking at me in sadness.

"I have a quest right now Percy, I-I don't know if I am coming back from this one. Perc I don't want to get her to know me and then have to attend my funeral." I say, and a tear drops down my cheek.

"Knowing you, even if for just a day is worth it." Percy says, in the most serious voice I have heard him use.

"I don't know about Percy, I am broken, more than you know." I say, and he grabs my shoulders and stops me from walking further.

I look around and realise that I am in an apartment complex. Oh no. We're here.

"You are a better person than you think you are. Now get your act together while I get ready to get yelled at for hiding that you have been alive for 3 years." Percy says, and I see Annabeth crying at the thought of getting yelled at.

Percy knocked at the door and she heard a woman yell 'ONE MINUTE', and she saw a girl about her age or a year younger than her answer the door.

"PERCY!" The girl yelled and flung herself at him, and I clued in that the girl was my little sister Estelle.

"ANNABETH!" Estelle yelled again, and Annabeth caught her in a big hug.

Would she ever greet me like that? Would she even like me? What if she didn't like me and thought that I was stealing her mom?

"Oh, hi who are you?" She asks me, once she lets go of Annabeth.

Ok here we go, just take a deep breath.

"Hi, I am Skylar." I say, and I watch her face look very surprised.

"You're- you're Skylar? THE Skylar?" She asks, looking at me like she heard about me.

"What do you mean THE Skylar?" I am kinda nervous about what she is going to say.

"You're the person I was named after, I- I thought you were dead? Percy you knew she was alive, Mom is gonna kill yooouuuuu." Estelle says, and then she jumps on me.

While she is hugging me I start to feel my body relax, and a smile starts to form on my face. Wow, she, I thought she would be mad that I was alive. Now that I say it like that it sounds really stupid, who am I Percy?

"Oh my god, I have a big sister, I have a best friend forever. Wow I always imagined what you looked like, but you look so much like mom and uncle Posiedon." Estelle says, and I feel like a weight has lifted off of me.

"You, you wanted to meet me?" I ask in a small voice.

I look and see Percy giving me a look I know he doesn't do often, especially since he is married to Annabeth, the 'I told you so' look.

"Of course I wanted to meet you, OMG, we can do all the things sisters do together, but why don't you look old. I mean you look like you are 13 or 18. I mean you have the face of a 13 year old, but the body is like an 18 year old, well, except for the height." She says, and I have to laugh.

Before I can answer her question I hear a gasp, and a glass break. I look over to see a woman who looks strickenly like me, except for some qualities that I know I got from my father. I then hear a man choking, and I look over to see a middle aged man that is hacking on his water, and I watch the water come out of his nose.

"Oh my gods!" I exclaim. "Are you okay?" I ask the strange man that I perceive to be Paul, based on the description Percy has given me.

"Skylar?" I hear the women gasp, and I perceive her to be my mom.

"Hi mom?" I say, and I watch her face go white and her eyes roll to the back of her head.

The next thing that happened was she just dropped to the floor. I look at Percy in panic, and he looks back at me with the same amount of panic.

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT! I KILLED OUR MOTHER!" I yell at Percy, and he winces.



Jacobs POV:

I have to find her, and I will do whatever it takes.

So, I am going to New York.

Get Ready Skylar here I come. 



Sorry for not posting Monday, but I didn't like the chapter so I had to rewrite it. So, with sports and school it took me a while to rewrite. I hope you liked it and  comment what you think!

Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it!

Skylar's outfit above!

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