Chapter 2 (The IM)

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Skylar's Pov:

Running. That's all I was doing. Every monster in Tartarus was after me, just because I was Percy Jackson's twin sister. I finally stopped running, which it feels like I have been running for days on end. My mind is trying to think of what to do when I hear the crackle of an empousa. 'Kelly' is all I thought. Apparently her and my brother had a little feud back in the day, but now that he is 29 he is out of the picture. That doesn't mean that she has forgotten though, oh no, she hasn't. I see her right next to me, and she lifts her and . . .

I wake up from my dream in a cold sweat. No. Not a dream, a memory. I look down at my stomach and still so the scars of the attack. 'Another Great start to the day' I thought while checking the time on my alarm clock. 4:30 am. Great. Just Great. It is so early that not even the Apollo kids are up. I get up and go into the shower to wash the sweat and fear off of me I procured from the dream. I haven't gotten much sleep since the incident. I get about 4 hours of sleep a night, and have been for about 2 years. 'Wow' I think to myself it has already been 2 years. My stomach does flips thinking about going back to that awful time in my life.

After I get out of the shower I go to the training arena. This has been my routine for 2 years. I wake up from an awful dream, take a shower then go to the training arena. After about 3 hours of hitting dummies I go to take another shower. I know what you're thinking, Why on earth does she take 2 showers in the morning why doesn't she just take one after training? My answer to you is that my first shower washes away my dream and gets me ready for my day, and my second shower gets me clean and not smelling like Posiedon's dirty underwear. After my shower I go to breakfast and act like I only woke up an hour ago, but my close friends know the truth. They normally catch me sneaking out to train but let it slide when they see how worked up I am. I am glad that I graduated early from high school, otherwise I would have to sit through classes. UGH. I didn't get the dumb gene, but that doesn't mean that I didn't get ADHD and dyslexia. I am good at hiding it though. Guess from years of practice trying to avoid getting called a freak.

The day goes on normally I go help with archery and training kids. Oh I forgot didn't I well I guess you can truly see my ADHD now ha. Right, back on track. I know you all are like WTF (what the fruit loops) Poseidon kids are bad at archery. Well I maybe forgot to tell you that after my quest and ending up in the pit *shiver* I got blessed by all the gods including Athena. I know it is shocking. Well more for you than me. See after getting out of the pit the gods took pity on me and raised me (even Zeus). I became their favorite demigod. Athena had me call her mom, Zeus is Uncle Z, Hades is Uncle Des, My dad is just dad, Demeter is Auntie De, Aphrodite is Aunt Ditie, Hera is just Hera, Artemis is Artie, Hestia is Auntie Hestia, Dionysus is Uncle Dio, Ares is Res, and Hermes and Apollo are like 2 older brothers. Res, trained me while the other gods and goddesses raised me ( excluding Hera). After Percy found out I was alive he came to see me and we bonded. We are really close but he is more like an uncle that a brother. Which is sad, but I live through it. I haven't met my mom yet. I have heard stories about her but I didn't want to give her anymore trouble, after I heard she had another kid, a girl. So I just live at camp and sometimes with the gods and goddesses depending on if I want to hang out with my cousins.

Speaking of my cousins I haven't heard from them all day, which means that I am probably getting IM'd soon. I pulled a coin out of the water fountain my dad got Percy while he lived here and called Emma. After I got Emma and we talked for a while I found out she was back at camp and told her to come to my cabin. After her and I talked for a while a frantic Addie appeared on an IM.

"Addie what's wrong are you okay?" I ask going into overprotective cousin mode.

"I'm fine-I just-hold on." she says trying to catch her breath looking like she has been running a marathon. Emma and I just stare at her while she explains what happened not saying a word.

" I was visiting my Uncle Charlie and my cousin Bella in Forks when I saw a guy in the woods from the road. Me being me I got out of the car and I saw the worst thing I can imagine." Addie says while I start to panic after my experience in the pit I start imagining the worst things known to demi-god. " There was a guy sparkling in the sunlight eating a bunny, I mean come on what kind of monster eats a bunny, but that's not the worst thing he wasn't just eating it he was sucking the bunny dry of its blood." Addie continued, and I just about smacked her. She got me all worked up over a weirdo eating a rabbit. I mean I get it's not normal but that is not the worst thing I could imagine and apparently Emma thought so too.

" ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YOU GOT US ALL WORKED UP FOR THAT!" Emma yells looking extremely aggravated. One thing to know about Emma is that she is definitely the hot-head of the group. (AN~ ;) )

I on the other hand take a deep breath and say " Okay, what is the importance of that?"

Addie looks at us like we are crazy and says "He was a Vampire"

Now I can't hold it in and burst out laughing with Emma. While Addie gives us the stink eye.

"Addie Vampires aren't real" Emma says while laughing.

Addie, looking like she is going to burst out of anger, says "I know what I saw Emma, and he was a Vampire". Addie then goes on a rant about how the gods are real so why couldn't Vampires.

"Just accept it Addie Vampires aren't real" Emma says while Addie is going on her rant.

"Emma I know what I saw and they are out there. They just don't burst into dust in the sun." Addie says while getting extremely worked up.

" Then why haven't I heard of them huh? I am the daughter of Hades after all, shouldn't I know if people can be 'immortal'."

At this point, I know I have to stop what they are going to do or they are going to start 'natural disasters' to happen. "Guys calm down and take a breath alright. Addie I get that you think you saw Vampires so we will check it out tomorrow okay? Emma gives her some credit if she thinks she saw it then lets check it out if its not there what's the big deal, but if it is then we should know right?"

"Yes" "Whatever" are the only replies I get from them. Well this is going to be interesting. It looks like we are going to forks and with that I cut off the I'M hoping it to just be a trick of the eye.


AN- Hope you like it!

Disclaimer- I do not own the Percy Jackson series, I just am writing a Fanfic. I also don't own the twilight series. I only own Addie, Emma and Skylar. Outfit above!

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