Chapter 3 (I Meet a Sparklepier)

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Chapter 3 (Meet the Sparklepiers)

Skylar Pov:

All I saw was black. My body was on fire and I saw a person above me. He was biting my arm, and I think . . . DRINKING MY BLOOD. OMG OKAY. breath, calm down. Okay now focus this has to be important. The guy was about 5'9 and blonde, and don't forget super pale. We were in a field with lilacs and there was a red head behind him. She was about 5'7 and pale like the other one. I inspect my arm and realize it's hairy, and not my normal blonde hair like dark brown. I then listen to my voice and realize it's not my voice, It's a man's voice. On the ground I see a walet Waylon, Waylon Forge. Then I hear the blonde say a name Victorica, and after the name is said the dream changes. A brunette getting videotaped. This time I am not anybody just like a third person's Pov. She screams and the blonde breaks her leg, after that he bites her. She sounds like she is in The River Sticks in the underworld. Out of nowhere a guy with copper hair is seen and helps the girl. After that a family shows up and . . .

I wake up sweating like no other and grab my dream book fast. I use my Hermes blessing to draw out what happened with each dream. I draw then like a comic book, but with realistic drawings in the format. I have always used art as an escape from reality and got pretty good at it, and even got a painting in my school art show and- I am getting off track. Stupid ADHD, but it does keep me alive and- I did it again. Anyways back to my drawings I look at the brunette and recognize her. She looks like Addie's, really clumsy, cousin. I draw her again without the image of her getting attacked and she looks very pretty. I look at the time and see that it is 5:00 am. I guess that dream was really important if I got an extra 30 minutes of sleep, and I know all of you are like "that's no big deal" "I do that all the time" Well I don't. At least not after the pit. You may call me a whoose but I was down there alone for twice as long as my brother. He had somebody with him and was a lot older than I was. Yes, I know me being alone was my fault, but it's my fatal flaw. Loyalty. I am loyal to my cousins and would protect them at all costs. I had Addie's hand but I knew I was going to fall, so instead of making her go through what I did I let go. I heard stories of how bad it was down there from Percy and Annabeth.

After my morning routine (Skylar's Outfit Above) I talked to Chiron about what I saw in my dream and what Addie had seen in forks. After the discussion Chiron decided that it would be best if we checked it out and to take 2 people with me after seeing the oricle Rachel Elizabeth Dare. But we all call her R.E.D. for her red hair color and initials. I got

The Forgotten 3 shall go to the land of rain

To kill the one who lost a lover in vain

To find their soulmates

They shall look for those who exterminate

Help solve the war

Or won't be seen anymore.

Wow, what a big help I mean the forgotten 3 I guess could be my cousins and myself. I say this because most of the time we are lost in our brothers shadows and not given credit. Which is amazing *SARCASM* but poor Addie also lives in her sister Thalia's shadow. (which she says is worse than Jason's). But the one who lost their lover in vain. Who is that? I guess the rest is simple: finding their soulmates is self explanatory, but they shall look for the ones who exterminate, Like bugs exterminate. I guess it couldn't be that simple right. Help solve the war. GREAT A WAR. AWESOME. NOT. Or won't be seen anymore, I guess that means if we don't help solve the war we die or maybe somebody else? (AN~~ ;))

After that disturbing news I find Emma and tell her we are going to Forks to pay a visit to this cousin of Addies. So I use my power (Which Percy doesn't have) and vapor travel to Forks. Before you ask what's that, I'll tell you, it's like shadow traveling without using shadows. I use water vapor, and yes it is a Posiedon thing. I can also shadow travel but my body doesn't like it due to me not being a child of Hades but just having Uncle Des's blessing. When we vapor traveled I thought of Addie which means we got in the shower with her. I can't help it, I use water vapor to travel so I will end up at the nearest water vapor and that was Addie in the Shower. WHOOPIE. She screamed like a BANSHEE and had her Uncle run upstairs and pound on the door. She explained that she just saw a bug out of nowhere and it scared her, but it was dead now. As she said those last words she glared at us with the glare only children of Zeus could perfect.

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