Chapter 17 (He looks at me like a puppy that I just drop kicked,"

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Skylar's POV:


I cannot believe that son of a kraken decided to follow me to NEW YORK! What it wasn't enough that he completely ignored me as his soulmate? Now he has to come all the way to New York to harass me?

I cannot let them meet him, he is not worth my time to let my family know. He had no right to just show up here out of no where, and act like he has a right to me. To my life. I cannot let him ruin my happiness, I won't let him ruin my happiness.

I open the door, and before he can even open his mouth, I shove him outside and start dragging him out by his arm. I am so done letting other people ruin my happiness.

"Ow, ow, ow. Stop. Why aren't you happy? I thought girls love this kind of stuff?!" Jacob starts yelling.

"Love this- LOVE THIS!" I Yell. "WHY-" I stop myself, and take a breath. "Why would I love this?" I whisper, and try to calm myself down.

I start to take deep breaths to make sure that I don't yell again. I do NOT want Percy or Annabeth to find out. Or worse Mom. I mean would she want a kid whose own soulmate dosen't want her. I can't even imagen what would happen. How bad do you have to be to get rejected by your own soulmate? Apparently me, you have to be me. I mean maybe I don't deserve love. Maybe Tyler was it for me, and I am ment to die in this war. I mean it does make since.

I just have to make sure Addie and Emma don't find out what I am going to do. I mean they would bring me back to kill me if they heard me talking like this, but I just can't be the broken girl anymore. The one nobody wants, and is forgotten. I mean Hera left me in a hotel for 17 YEARS, because she forgot about me!

When I think that I hear Hera start to appologise in my head. I mean when they found out who I was they did raise me for 3 years, well everyone except her my dad didn't trust her, and they made sure that I knew how to fight. I trained with all of the gods, so I am an even better fighter and swordsmen than Percy.

I am brought out ouf my thoughts by Dog boy, who looks like he is about to start crying or yelling. I can't tell.

"I-I came to make a romantic gesture. I want you. I want to take you home with me." Jacob says, and he sounds pained that I don't get it.

He sounds pained that I don't get why he would come for me. Jacob acts like I should be fawning over him for coming after me. Even when I came all the way out here to get away from him. Away from Bella, who reminds me of myself after I came back from the pit and lost Tyler. I-I just needed to get away to be myself again and this selfish jerk wants to use me, and leave me once he gets Bella. Yeah I dont think so.

"Why would I want you to do that. You are in love with Bella, and that is fine, okay. No problem, but leave me out of your soap opera life, okay. I want to be able to go home, and not have you follow me. Why would you follow me anyways, when you haven't even said one nice thing to me?" I ask, and say.

He looks at me like a puppy that I just drop kicked, and I look at him like he is completely nuts. I mean, why does he think that he can act like this then act like I am in love with him and we had a fight?

Then it clicks in my head. He thinks that imprinting means that I will have to be in love with him. HA! He thinks that I want him. Oh this is amazing. I start laughing outloud and now he looks at me like I am the crazy one.

"Why are you laughing? Is something funny?" Jacob asks me, and oh boy is something funny alright.

"You don't think because you imprinted on me that means I am in love with you, do you?" I ask, and can't stop the snort that comes out when he nods his head.

"Oh that is great. Okay Jacob, I am going to let you in on a secret." I whisper and pause for dramatic effect.

I mean with Zues helping raise me I did have to get something from him. *Cue the thunder, and vile language in my head from him*

"I don't have to love you, or even like you. Remember that great thing about imprinting, where you can be a friend, brother, or lover? Yeah, that means all I have to be is your friend, and I get to choose not you. So be a good FRIEND and go back to La Push, and LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yell the last part.

"Okay." He mumbles under his breath, and I take a breath to remain calm.

I mean yes I was a little mean, but he deserved it. What kind of person uses on person, because they want another. I don't know about you, but I know I deserve better than that. I mean if he was before Tyler, I might have taken it, but not after. I mean those foster care homes wore me down. They destroyed the person that I am, and they did so much worse than anyone (even Addie and Emma) know.

Sorry for the short chapter, but school is kicking my highknee right now.

Hope you like it, and don't forget to Comment and Vote.

I do read every comment, and love when I read them!

Disclaimer I own my OC's everything else belongs to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Meyer.

I laughed so hard when I read the image up top! It reminded me of my best friends who are actually in the book, Emma and Addie

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