Chapter 18 (Cackling Like a Hyena)

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Emma's POV:

I cannot believe that she is the reason people are dying. I mean yeah she brought me to my soulmate, but hundreds of people are dying because she fell in love with a vampire. I mean this Victoria chick is on pack lands and trying to kill Bella because Edward killed her mate? Yeah I think he was her mate, and the only reason Edward killed him was because the guy Edward killed thought that Bella was a snack. I mean come on. I don't even know how this chick has 2 guys in love with her. Or had.

I mean Edward left her, and Jacob was in New York to get Skylar. I bet that went well. Judging by how Jacob came home looking like a wounded puppy, I bet Skylar finally told that fleabag what was on her mind. I mean what kind of person would do that to their SOULMATE? UGH!

Speaking of soulmates, I am having a little fun messing with mine as we speak. I look over my shoulder and see Embry looking around the tree that I used to shadow travel over here. I mean how could I not mess with him. He was trying to make me eat, whatever food that Emily made. Now I am not dissing Emily, her food is good, but it isn't a McDonalds happy meal. That's for sure. I mean nothing can beat Mcy D's. Now I really want a happy meal.

So my genius self decided to shadow travel to the nearest McDonalds and get a happy meal for myself, and a Mcdouble for Addie. When I get my order I return to Emily's house and see everyone starting to gather a search party, and Addie looks over at me in the midst of the chaos and looks down to see the McDonalds bag. I watch her mind process what just happened and then watch her brain click in recognition on what I have done.

Addie bursts out laughing and I watch as everyone looks at her like she is a crazy person. I mean I do too until I look over and see Embry looking like he is having a mental breakdown. He looks at Addie like she just told him that she likes to kill kittens and eat their carcuses afterwards.

Addie then walks over to me, and is cackling like a hyena and wraps her arms around me. I freeze as does everyone else in the room, and then I watch as their eyes slowly travel down my body to the hand that I am holding the Mcdonalds in. Uh Oh.

They look mad.

I look to Embry to see him looking at me in relief and anger. Then he jumps out of his seat and wraps me in the tightest hug I have ever gotten. I mean they will probably need to take me to the doctor because I am going to have every bone crushed by this boy. I mean seriously. What the hecketh?

"WHERE WERE YOU?" Embry yells, in my ear, mind you.

"I was getting McDonalds?" I say/ask, because right now I don't know if it is a good idea to tell him where I was.

"WHAT DO-"-He takes a breath-"What do you mean you were at McDonalds? Baby we were outside and you just disappeared. Do you know how scared I was? Baby you can't do that to me." He says, and squeezes me even tighter to him, and as soon as he does that I hear a crack.

As soon as I hear the crack I feel my rib enclave on itself, and feel something poking my organs. My eyes widen and I try to take a deep breath, but I feel resistance. UH OH.

"What was that?" I hear Addie ask, but I can't hear anything right now.

"AHH" I scream out.

I can't even hear anything, and I think that the shock finally wore off. I now finally feel the pain. WOW! How does Skylar not even flinch when this happens. I REGRET EVERY LIFE DECISION I HAVE MADE UP UNTIL THIS POINT! OH GODS, WHY DOES THIS HURT SO MUCH!

"OH GODS! AHHHHH" I don't even know if I am talking out loud anymore.



Skylar's POV:

I don't think that I have ever had this much fun in my whole life. We are all sitting on the couch watching a movie with everyone. With my family. Wow. I have a family. We were watching Finding Nemo, because that apparently is Percy's favorite movie and it seems he passed it to Estelle as well. I would have thought that it would have been the little mermaid, but he told me that the dad was named Triton, and that was too much like our half brother for him to like.

Half way through the movie I fell asleep curled up with my head on Percy's shoulder and Estelle so close to me that she was practically in my lap. I didn't even realise that I had been getting tired from all of the stress that I had put myself through until it happened, and it hit me hard.

I falling, into the deep pit that I had heard about well from my brother. The one place that he said that he wishes he never went into. The place that still gives him night terrors. When I get to a certain point in my falling I start to see a faint light. One of fire, darkness, and promise. Promise of not surviving this. Promise of pain. Promise of torture. I look down in the direction that I am falling in and see running liquid. Now I know that it isn't water, but at least it is liquid. Something that I could land on without dying instantly. I remember reading about the river that runs throughout here. That whispers your worst, deepest, darkest thoughts. That gives you doubts about yourself.

When I land in it I hear them whispering in my ears, then they are yelling. Yelling insufferable things.





They yell these things over and over in my ears. Yelling, screaming. Just like my foster father had done. When he beat me. When he had taken my innocence. My innocence. I can feel myself start to give into the water. I didn't have any fight left in me.

I was done.

I had fought for 13 years.

I had won for 13 years.

It was my time.

Time for me to just have peace.

Right before I gave in I heard a voice in my ear. It was just a whisper, but it was enough for me to start fighting again.

'Fight for me my pearl, fight for me.' I hear the man I love say.


I jump up, and hear someone screaming.

I look around me and see everyone looking at me frantically, while my mom is bawling in a corner. My eyes lock with Percy's and I can see he is mad, angry even, and then I look at Annabeth who isn't much better.

Why are they al- oh


I was sleeping talking, maybe even screaming, and they heard it. Normally I don't sleep with people around me, because of this, but it seems as if I got too comfortable around them and passed out.

Well this is going to be a long conversation.

I just hope they don't give up on me once they see how truly broken I am.


Sorry for the late update, but I have a lot of college homework that is taking up most of my time. Thank you for all of your support!

Hope you like it, and don't forget to Comment and Vote.

I do read every comment, and love when I read them!

Just some wholesome image up top!

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