Chapter 8 (I Tango with an Overgrown Cow in a Diaper)

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Skylar's Pov;

"The Minotaur" Is all I say, before I start running outside to deal with my 'old friend'. When I get outside I see The Minotaur and smirk. I look over my shoulder and see Emma and Addie motioning for me to take the lead. I happily grin, and start to take off my ring.

"Well, hello my old friend, how are you?" I ask and see him look at me. I see his eyes widen in fear, and this is normal. Since I have been in tartarus and defeated their strongest leaders, it kinda puts an undying fear in them. I see him look for an escape and I push my ring together and out comes the hurricane. I see his eyes widen in pure terror, but something changes. I look over my shoulder and see what he is looking at, and it makes my blood boil. He is looking at Emma and Addie getting ready to charge, completely forgetting I'm there. Paul and Embry see this happen and step in front of their respective imprints, and at this Emma scowls and pushes Embry out of the way and behind her, while Addie just puts her hand on Paul's bicep. I smirk at Addie because I know the others think it is to calm him, but in reality it is so she can push him out of the way if something goes wrong. I feel happy that my cousins finally found their other halves and it makes me think of Tyler. We may have been young, but even Aunt Ditie said that we were soulmates. Speaking of Aunt Ditie I should visit her soon, and yell at her for pairing me with Jacob. 

I focus my attention back on beasty and start running up to him. I have killed him so many times it's not even funny anymore. The only reason I am smirking is because I am about to show the shifters what we kill and how good of fighters we are. As I am charging I see Jake and Bella coming back from the beach in a panic. I assume this is because of the ground beef's loud roar he gave off. I see Jake's eyes go into panic at seeing that I am charging the beast and I give him a glare.

That is when I tango with an overgrown cow in a diaper. I jump onto beasties back, take the sword and stab on his back. I then take the blade that is still embedded in his back and pull down his spin all the way to his diaper. That definitely needs to get washed, and FAST. I say to myself as I smell a foul odor coming from his diaper. Then I jump off of his back and pull my blade out of him and it turns into golden dust.

 I decide that I want to show off to them so I take the wind and sweep up the gold dust, while making a ring mold in dirt. I then put the dust into the mold and compress it until I know the ring is done. I pull out the ring and see the beautiful Greek design that I had envisioned in my head on the ring and smile. I walk over to Emily and hand her the ring.

"This is for you." I say, and she looks at me in awe and excitement

"No I couldn't take this from you" She says, blushing a little.

"No, I want you to have it. I can always make another one if I want to" I say handing the ring back to her.

"Thank you! It is so beautiful!" Emily exclaims, while putting the ring on her finger. I look over to Sam and see him smiling at me, I guess he is nice after all. 

"That was so cool" Paul says, looking at me in awe. 

"Why thank you Paul, but really that was nothing compared to what I am used to" I say, shivering slightly remembering the pit. I mean Percy had Annabeth with him, while I was alone, and not only that I am also 'the great Percy Jackson's' twin sister. Which give monsters more of a motive to kill me to get back at Percy. I mean I always have to watch my back just incase something tries to kill me again. I think about my mom, and sister. The only reason I didn't go back to them was because I would have put my younger sister in danger whenever I went to school with her. Monsters always find me, and Percy didn't have a sibling with his at the time while he was growing up. So he didn't put anyone is danger except my mom, and she knew she was in danger. I couldn't tell her when she was growing up just incase she told her friends. 

"WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU THINKING!" Jake yells at me, while running towards us with Bella in tow. That changes my thought process to him, and why he is ignoring me. Then I look at Bella and remember why, because she is his ideal end game. That is the girl he wants to get married to and have children with, and it makes me think of Tyler again. He was the one I wanted to do all of that with. I know we were young but he made my life feel completely and before we started dating he was my best friend. When I was younger every Athena boy was flirting with me, saying that we could be the next Percy and Annabeth. But I am not Percy, and I will never be. I think people forget that sometimes. It's like they only see me at Percy and not my own person. I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts I am having, and look up at Jake. 

" I tangoed with an overgrown cow in a diaper. What do you think you were doing?" I ask with a smirk, and hear the guys laugh at what I called The Minotaur. "Why does it matter anyways?" I ask slightly annoyed that he tried to make this about himself when all he has been doing since we got here was talk with Bella. I only call him Jacob, because he doesn't deserve a nickname. Those are earned and he definitely hasn't earned that yet. I think I might just sever the bond, and let him be with Bella. I mean I think he would be relieved if I did that, and he would stop acting as if he hated the idea of me. 

"I-just-uh-well- I don't want anyone to get hurt. Ya know, because they are my pack." He says, and I swear I feel my eye twitch. I see his cheeks become a light pink and him start to play with his fingers. I guess he is nervous, but I don't know what about. Maybe he is really going to reject me and do it infront of everyone. Not that I would give him the satisfaction of breaking me in front of everyone. What he doesn't know is that I am already broken, and he can't make me anymore broken than I already am. 

"Your pack is fine, Jacob is that it?" I ask in a rude tone. I mean can't he clearly see that his pack is fine. The only thing he could have been worried about was me, and instead he played it off like he is worried about his pack. I ask his name just to be a little petty, but I have a right to he is my soulmate and is ignoring me for Bella. Who is clearly in love with someone else. Ijit. I think to myself. 

"Yeah, that's it." He says in a softer tone looking like a kicked puppy. I really don't care though since he has been ignoring I am his SOULMATE, to chase after Bella. I mean he has it coming and I have been through too much to take any crap from him. He has been avoiding me for weeks, and now he decided to show interests after ignoring me when Bella was around. 

"Okay then" I say, and go to walk over to Addie and Emma. Right when I am about to take my first step away from Jake and Bella, someone grabs my arm. 'This is going to be a long night' I think to myself. 


Sorry for the really short chapter, and taking so long. I am doing a lot right now but if you have any suggestions on the characters let me know. 

Next Pov I am thinking is going to be Jacob's. 

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