Chapter 5 (The Soulmates)

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Addies Pov:

When I saw Skylar break down like that, something in me just snapped. I felt like I could explode and the thoughts of someone rejecting her is just outrageous. I know that I should have calmed down and handled it better, I mean Emma is the hot-head of the group and I'm the calm one, but this just got me mad. All I could see was red. I mean HE LOOKED AT HER DISGUSTED! SHE IS ONE OF THE PRETTIEST GIRLS AT CAMP. HER LOOKS COULD RIVAL APHRODITE HERSELF! (cue the thunder)

I woke up in my bed. I have been sleeping at Bella's. I look around the room and try to remember what happened but I can't. Then I remember and get angry I hear the thunder in the distance and Skylar and Emma come running in.

"Addie you have to calm down I'm fine. Okay, we are fine nobody is going to hurt us." Skylar says in a calm voice, and here is what you don't know about her. She is the calm one of the group always thinking rationally, and I know that everyone says I am the calm one, but that is just not true. Skylar just makes it seem like that, always keeping me calm. I guess you could say it was her aurora. It kinda reminds me of the ocean which I guess is because her dad is Poseidon, but let me tell you when she loses her cool, don't get in the way.

"Okay, okay, I'm cool," I say, taking deep breaths trying to calm down.

"Okay good, because Bella wants to go to Jake's house and she seems pretty adamant on it." Emma says in a disgusted voice. I mean I would be disgusted too if my dad was Hades. Vampires are the literal mock to Hades. I mean they cheated Thanos and Hades by escaping death, then making more or killing others to survive. When they get down to the underworld I can see Hades personally punishing them.

"Okay let's go." I say, knowing that there is no way to talk Bella out of this. She is stubborn and once she sets her mind to something she gets it. At that exact moment I remember that I don't remember going to bed. "Hey guys" I say.

"Mmm" "yeah" I get in response.

"How did I get into my bed?" I ask, looking at them suspiciously

"Oh, yeah! Skylar knocked you OUT! It was the coolest thing I have seen and she . . ." Emma rambles on, but I just look at Skylar suspiciously

"What? You were going to get hurt or hurt other people. You know you almost hit a dog with lighting, and on top of that you almost got smitten by Aunt Ditie." Skylar says, looked at me in what seems like anger.

"Oh" I say, trying to cover up what I said without wanting to tell her. I remember Physie and that didn't turn out so well.

"Yeah, OH!" She says and gives me a knowing look after taking a few deep breaths. I have noticed that when she gets angry she does that, and she doesn't get angry a lot only when her family is in danger. I know that her fatal flaw is loyalty but I would say it's protectiveness. I mean I remember the day she fell into the pit like it was yesterday.

"Addie, I can't hold on much longer," Skylar says, looking like Hades.

"Hold on Skylar we will get you out of there." Emma says while she is crying praying for her dad to help.

"Guys I have to let go," Skylar says.

"NO!" Emma and I both yell.

"I am NOT bringing you both down here you have heard the stories. I can't let you both die, so if it is you guys or me it is going to be you guys." She says. "Tell my mom and brother I love them okay, and I love you guys. Tell Tyler that I am sorry and that he can move on. I want him to move one. I wasn't good for him. I just dragged him down got him in trouble." She says and then she lets go. I have never seen anything happen in slow motion before until this. Emma and I went to jump in after her but the hole closed.

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