Chapter 11 (Welcome Home Little Sister)

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Skylar's POV:

As I watched Jake make out with Bella I had one thought go through my head.

I need to leave.

I can't sit around here and watch Jacob be happy with Bella, and have my heart break every time. I am the Daughter of Poseidon, and the 'Great' Percy Jackson's sister. I will not play second fiddle to a Walmart Elena. I mean it is not that hard to pick a guy, and when one leaves you attach yourself to a guy who loves you. At least Elena loved Damon Bella is just using Jake.

I actually felt bad for Bella in the beginning and I understood where she was coming from. I truly did. I may have lost Tyler at a young age, and we may have been in love. But I did love him, and I thought he was my Annabeth. We were each other's opposites and it couldn't be more true.

He was a doctor, and would clean every wound, and I would rub some dirt in it and keep fighting (or if it was deep, get some super glue). But as I watched Bella smirk at me right after she did it, I knew she was messing with them on purpose, and was trying to get under my skin.

Well hate to break it to you Walmart Katniss, but you are the least of my concerns. I got clearity when fighting My old buddy. 3 children of the big three can't stay together in 1 town for too long. We would attract too many monsters, and put too many people in danger. I couldn't do that, and I can't take Emma and Addie away from their soulmates. I have had my time with my soulmate, and they haven't. So, I am going back to camp half-blood to keep training, and look after the little ones.

I find it so cute that they call me mom. I mean I do act like a mom for everyone at camp, but it is different when everyone starts calling you that. I mean I can remember when I first got called mom. I was looking after the Apollo kids while Tyler was setting up something, that I later found out was our date, and one of them accidently slipped and called me mom.

"SKYLAR!" I am cut off by my thought process by yelling, and I look over to see it was Emma.

"YEAH, WHAT'S UP?" I ask her, hoping that she isn't going to ask what I am thinking about.

I don't lie to them, I guess that is one of my many weird qualities. I don't lie, and that's just how I have been since I have been little. I know what you are thinking, 'Skylar you said you are fine when people ask you if you are okay and that's not the case'. Well actually it is, I have been through a lot worse and I am not dying nor am I in danger. So fine fits me.

"WANNA PLAY SOME SOCCER WITH US?" Emma yells back, and she has officially caught my attention.

Now yes, I may be the girls swim team captain, but I am also the volleyball and soccer team captain for the girls as well. While Percy just likes swimming, I like sports in general, and I have always had a love for Soccer.

"HECK YEAH! COUNT ME IN!" I yell back at them, and start getting out of the water. Which I had just realized that I am still in.

After finishing the game and winning, I look over to see Addie and Emma talking with their respective imprints. I know that this is the best time for me to do this, because I don't think I can handle this any longer. I may put on a brave face and act like I don't care that Jacob is in love with Bella, but I do and I will not be second best for anyone.

"Hey, Addie, Emma, can I talk to you guys for a minute?" I ask, knowing that this isn't going to end well.

I look over to them to see them both nod, and whisper something to Paul and Embry.

I walk into the forest and look over my shoulder to make sure that they are still following me.

"Hey, Sky, what's up?" Emma asks, and this is when I know everything is about to go down hill.

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