Chapter 20 (This Girl is Definitely Crazy)

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Skylar's POV:
When I get back to Forks I have a gut feeling. You know the kinda feeling that means nothing good when you are a child of Poseidon.

So, I do what any other reasonable person would do when they have this feeling. I follow my gut, I mean it has kept me alive for all of these years.

When I drive by the cliff in La Push, I find out why I had a gut feeling like this. Bella, that child of Tyche, was sitting atop of the cliff. Just when I pulled over to yell the stupid girl, for being in a cliff when there is a storm outside, does the unthinkable. This worm for brains JUMPS. I mean how stupid do you have to be to jump off of a cliff when there is a storm. She didn't even jump in the place where there were no rocks. But NO! This moronic girl, couldn't jump from where the normal, not mythological werewolves, jump from. Oh no that's not idiotic enough. She has to one up Leo on acts of stupidity. I mean seriously, at least he had a magical concoction to keep him alive.

AN- (Tyche is the god of bad luck) ;)

Oh. I should probably save her shouldn't I? I mean-No, no I have to save her. Right? OMG this crazy girl is mumbling to herself. I am going to go save a crazy person, and I have to save the girl who is trying to steal the man that is supposed to be my soulmate. The person that I have tried to save, and help is trying to steal the one person that I am destined to be with. I jump out of the truck and start sprinting up the hill. To get to the moron of a person who thinks it is a good idea to do something like this. Once I get to the top of the hillI look down and see a cluster of large sharp rocks. 


Of course.

This girl couldn't aim for something soft, oh no, that's too easy. You know, like a sane person person would. 

I take a deep breath, working up the courage to do something this insane, and hope that I don't die, and jump. Great, hopefully I don't die. Wonderful, moment to have a thought like this. Couldn't I have had this thought before jumping. Once I get to the water I realise that there are reasons that people don't jump off cliffs into water at this time of year. Gods, that stupid, stupid girl. I hope she rots in Tartarus for what she is putting me through. With that leech of a boyfriend that she has, Opps, EX-boyfriend.Gah! I look around for possible threats in the water and the moron that I am saving, and lock eyes with that red headed leech. 

Great, now I have to deal with that. I see her staring at Bella with hate, and then look at me with intrigue. I then realise that now this thing realises that I am not a normal human. Wonderful! Add that to the list of things that Bella owes me for. Dang ADHD, stop distracting me, let me save Bella. I look down as Bella and see her not even trying to swim, and looking at the water next to her with love in her eyes. Great. This girl is definitely crazy. On top of that she is a walking death trap. It is like she has Thanatos on her shoulder waiting for her. I take a second and look for him, because that would actually make a lot since. I decide to ignore the blood sucker, and dive down for Bella. 

Once I get down there I grab her and put an air bubble around us to stop her from inhaling water. Right when I go to start chest compressions I see something-no someone else dive into the water. I brace myself for a potential threat like another sparkleplier, I see nothing threatening, but it's just Jacob. When he sees what is happening he goes straight for Bella ignoring me completely. Of course, he wouldn't want to save me! He doesn't want to be with me, New York was just a fluke. Glad I didn't believe that nonsense. 

When he finally started to swim upwards, I start to make my journey as well. Once I get to the surface I get an image that I could have lived without. Jacob pounding on Bella's chest in a horrible version of CPR, begging her not to leave him. He even goes as far as to give her mouth to mouth. Great, that was something that I needed to remember. 

"I think you should push harder on her chest." I say, remembering that your chest compressions need to go two inches down, and be timed to 'Staying Alive' chorus. 

"What? But that would break her ribs!" Jacob exclaims, looking distraught and horrified at the same time. 

Right when I was about to tell him to move over and let me take over the moron wakes up. Bella jumping up like a possessed zombie, and sputtering like a teenager taking a shot of 'Adult Juice' for the first time. 

Jacob goes to talk to Bella, when we hear someone yell out, I think it was Sam, saying something about Harry Clearwater. Jacob then looks up and finally notices that I am there. And he looks pissed. WHAT THE FLOUNDER! How does he think that he has the right to be mad at me right now? I wasn't the one who jumped off a cliff in a raging storm. Well, I did- but I didn't do it for fun at least. Unlike the girl that is in his arms. Common man! Gods, this girl could get away with murder with him. I wish I didn't have to come back. I could of had a relationship with my sister. My mother, but noooo. I had to come back for a quest. Just great. I am cold, shivering, and pissed. I have an actual right to be mad, angry even, right now. If this moran didn't jump off a cliff I wouldn't of had to follow her. 

What in the Hades was Bella thinking? What in Zeus's name was she going to do when she realised that she wasn't going to drown? While I was on the mini rant of mine, I realised that Bella and Jacob had a conversation without me noticing. 

To ignore their love professing to each other, I start to walk to my car. I don't think that they even noticed that I left. I mean whatever. Why would they? I don't care. Right? They are too busing giving each other googly, and heart eyes. 

Once I get back into my car, I take a deep breath. Holding back tears of hurt and frustration. 

This is going to be a long year 

GREAT! Just what I need!


I'M BACK Y'ALL! So sorry for the late update, but thank you for all of your support!

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Skylar's car uptop. 

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