Chapter 34

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 "Tony!" Bruce gasped. He ran over and slapped him on the back like a brother. "You're really here!" Even Clint looked relieved, despite his anger at Tony before. He let Tony hug him lightly. Then he pulled back. 

"Where's Nat? She better be ok." Clint's eyes blazed. 

Tony nodded, tears pooling at the edge of his eyes. "She's ok, Nat's ok. She's with Steve. They're both ok."

Clint looked emotional too, like he was about to start crying. "I'm glad. And I'm so sorry too- I was so worried about her, I never thought you were trying too." He shook his head. "I'm just so relieved that she's ok."

They hugged again, this time less awkward, and more lovingly.

Yelena was watching from the door the entire time. She cleared her throat loudly to catch the boys' attention. "Ahem, well you see, we just broke into a secret facility that we aren't supposed to be in, and hordes of guards might come to kill us at any minute, and trust me, your bromance shit is cute, but please get your asses moving. Thank you. Let's go."


"Natasha!" As soon as he saw her fiery red hair, Clint broke ahead of the rest of his team and leaped towards her, not hugging her, but cupping her head in his hands. "You're ok," he whispered. "That's all I wished for."

Fresh tears started flowing down Natasha's dirty cheeks. "I know, I'm so so sorry Clint. I never should have left. Look at what it brought you and Steve and everyone to. It's all my fucking fault. Steve's barely clinging onto life, you got captured by the Red Room, or HYDRA, I guess they're working together now. And I had to get rescued by you guys, from the fucking Red Room, my past." She clenched her fists angrily, making sure not to disturb Steve on her lap. "I left it all behind with you, Clint. And here we are again."

A tear dropped onto Steve's forehead. 

"I know, Natasha. But it's ok, you know that. We love you so much, especially Steve. When he wakes up, and I know he will, he'll be so happy to see you. He loves you with all his heart, Natasha. We all know he does."

Barely audible, Natasha whispered, "Thank you."

"And we'll help you. We'll all help you. Hey, Natasha, guess what? We're a team. We're the Avengers."


Afterwards, they made their way back to the ballet studio, Steve carried by Tony, Natasha clinging to Clint and Yelena on either side, Bruce and Thor following behind. No guards came out, surprisingly. Maybe they had killed them all. There sure were a lot of dead bodies. But most shocking of all, the girls were still waiting in the ballet studio when they walked back in. 

Picking at their nails, bored, and even a little annoyed and angry, but they were all still there.

Natasha cleared her throat, and asked them to follow her. They obliged. Then they collected the rest of the girls. Seeing them all, Natasha's cracking heart broke a little more. At least 2 dozen girls, both children and teenagers trudged behind them. 

As soon as they arrived back at the tower, Tony and Bruce and Thor all seemed ecstatic. But all Natasha wanted was for Steve to get better. Clint understood that, and directed the girls on where to stay for the time being while Natasha blindly followed Steve's limp body to wherever he was headed to be fixed up. 

Honestly, Natasha felt a bit like a zombie. She probably looked like one too. Her hair was matted and greasy, clothes were torn and bloody, and her usually bright complexion was pale and gaunt. 

Hours later, a voice jolted her out of her bleak thoughts. "Ma'am?" A young doctor came out. He looked familiar. "He's stable now. You can go see him."

Natasha nodded her head. She hurried in after the doctor. Usually a bright, shining golden boy, Steve looked nothing like himself, dressed in a hospital gown and hooked up to multiple machines. And his bruises-

She couldn't do it. Natasha gasped for air as she held herself up with the wall. It was her, her, who had caused her love to be so broken. She didn't deserve him, not Steve, who was willing to risk his life for her. 

A finger tapped her shoulder hesitantly. The doctor. "He was mumbling a name, I think. Natasha. That's you, isn't it?" She nodded. "Look, I was the doctor who fixed you up too. And he came in every day to see you recover. I bet he'd want you here with him now too." With that, he slipped out of the room before Natasha could stop him.

She sat in a plush chair in a corner. And then she started to speak.

"For the longest time, I was convinced that love wasn't the answer. I was a murderer. A Black Widow, trained to bite. I wouldn't let anyone get close to me for the longest time, and now I think that maybe I was trying to protect myself. My friend Yelena, she came to see me on my birthday. I was forced to shoot her because she was caught running away by herself, when I should have been with her. And I thought I killed her until a few days ago. Then Clint came along, and he helped me. But I never knew how to love until I met you. And I promise you, I won't leave you again." Tears slipped down. "So please- please, wake up. Steven Grant Rogers, I love you."

Natasha gasped- he looked like he was stirring. But moments later, he settled again, breathing in and out. She watched him a little longer- then slipped out herself, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the door. 

There was no way that Steve could have known Natasha was there, speaking to him. But somehow, he just knew. He knew that the girl he loved came in and told him she loved him. 

He didn't wake up, but a smile spread across his face like wildfire. 

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