Chapter 3

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After pizza, drinks for the adults, soda for the kids, everyone was tired and ready to eat ice cream and popcorn, and watch a movie. After constant debate, and maybe a little physical [fighting], everyone was tired of fighting and decided that they could watch Despicable Me. Nat had never watched it before, considering she was taught to be a murderer from an early age, and Clint's kids, Cooper, Lila, and Nate hadn't watched it yet. Clint and Laura sprawled on the couch, Nate in their laps, Cooper and Lila on the floor by their feet. Steve and Natasha cuddled on the small sofa, and Bruce sitting alone on an armchair, his only companion a bucket of popcorn. Everyone was quiet, no noise other than the crunch of popcorn, and the sound of the TV.

Suddenly, the downstairs door flung open. "Tony?" Bruce said, confused. "Why do you look so," Bruce looked at his stained shirt, messy hair, "wasted?"

"Pepper," Stark groaned before he collapsed onto the carpet.

Clint and Laura covered their kids' eyes and said in a low voice, "Get him out of here, Bruce. These kids do NOT need to see him like this."

Nodding, Bruce dragged him out of the room, and into the elevator. "Third floor," he said. "Sometimes, I really hate Stark."

Meanwhile, Steve and Natasha were cuddling up to each other, mocking each other's styles and taste in movies. "Hey, Steve," Nat whispered. "Stay here, please."

Smiling, Steve says, "Of course, Nat. I would do anything for you."

"Hey, guys?" Clint pointed to him and his family. "We're still here, you know."

Cap and Nat took no notice of them and continued to flirt on their couch.

"Whatever, kids. Just don't look at those lovebirds." Clint said to his kids, rolling his eyes.

"Auntie Nat?" Lila asked.


"Do you and Uncle Steve love each other?"

"Of course not! We're just very good friends." Natasha replied, color blooming on her cheeks.

"Really? But Daddy said you two were lovebirds."

"Your Daddy was kidding, Lila," Cap replied, even redder than Nat.

"Right, Clint?" Natasha said, with a withering glare.

"Whatever you say, Nat," Clint said, smirking.

Just then, Bruce came back down, gagging. "Tony got sick in the elevator." He said, just before collapsing on the floor, his face a sickly green shade.

Nat laughed. "So now you're telling me the Hulk can spend all day punching people, but can't stand vomit? Wow, I am learning so much today."

"Like the fact that you like Steve? Me too!" Clint said in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up, Barton." Natasha groaned.

Finally, the whole team, except Tony and Thor, were fully engaged in Despicable Me, cheering whenever a character did anything cool, and booing at the TV whenever something bad happened.

"Woah!" Cooper yelled when the film ended. "That was amazing! Can we watch another one?"

Clint and Laura exchanged a look. "Well... it's technically past your bedtime, but we'll allow it just this once."

"YES!!!" Cooper and Lila yelled enthusiastically. Nate grinned and waved his small hands in the air.

Bruce slid the next movie into the DVD player, and the team settled down for another hour and a half of minions and whatnot.

An hour later, Nate had fallen asleep, and both Cooper and Lila needed to go to sleep, so Laura took the kids home, leaving Clint with the rest of the Avengers. He looked, around, seeing Bruce snoring in his armchair, his glasses falling off his face. Nat and Cap were sleeping on the sofa, Cap's arm wrapped around Natasha's small frame. Smiling, Clint turned off the TV, brought blankets for the team, and nodded off on the sofa. Today was a good day, he thought. I wish each day could be like this.

Also, I'm sorry this part doesn't have any action yet. I'm working on an action scene, don't worry!

Marvel Trivia Time!!
What is the word Tony says that makes Cap say "Language!"?

One correct answer gets a follow!! Comment your answer below!!

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