Chapter 1

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Natasha was not an ordinary person. She was a cold-blooded killer to some, and a leader to others. And yet somehow she was on a team with superheroes. Most of them had read her file, known how cruel she was to anyone who was in her way, murdering them just because she had orders to. After all, she was the Black Widow. Draw in, then kill.

Nat woke up a loud hissing sound and the smell of burning hair. Laughter erupted all around her as the boys fled from her room, leaving Natasha with a still-hot curling iron and a need to fix her hair. Honestly, sometimes she hated working with a team of 5 men and no other women.

Once Natasha got dressed and fixed her hair, she headed down to the kitchen of the Avengers tower. You would think a rich man like Tony Stark would be able to have better kitchen supplies, but because he couldn't cook, his kitchen was considerably sparse.

"Mornin' Romanoff," Bruce said, not looking up from his waffles.

"Dude, if you're gonna say hi to a girl, you gotta at least look at them," Natasha said snarkily. Bruce simply rolled his eyes and went back to eating his syrup-drenched waffles.

"Imma go to the store. See ya!" Stark yelled, grabbing his keys as he headed to their garage.

Sighing, Natasha cut up her waffles and dipped them into whipped cream and maple syrup. Knowing Tony, he would probably go get a carton of eggs, milk, and then forget all about the rest of his list when his girlfriend Pepper called about a date later that evening. Besides, he forgot to clear his plate. Tony.

"So, Tony's gonna be out for the rest of the day. How about we head to the beach?" Steve asked, obviously ready for a break. 

"Sure," Clint said, Nat and Bruce in nodding in agreement. "Let's leave at 11."

After breakfast, Nat headed back up to her room, changed into her bathing suit, and plopped herself onto the couch, turning on the TV. Nothing good was one- so she flipped to Netflix. After scrolling through dozens of shows and movies, she finally settled on a teen drama- Riverdale- that she hadn't seen before. After an episode of the surprisingly dark show, she turned off the TV. Clint was saying something. 

"Hey Nat! You have sunscreen?" Clint yelled from his room.

"Yeah, but I'm not sharing with you. You're gross, you know? Ask Cap. He's never sunburned, so he probably has a load of sunscreen." Natasha yelled back.

Shaking his head, Clint walked back to his room, cursing under his breath.

Meanwhile, a certain Hulk was trying to find a swimsuit that could fit him in his normal state. Most of his swim trunks were either too small and old or ginormous for when Hulk decided to come out. In the end, he decided on slightly-too-small blue and white striped trunks. "No one will notice." He muttered to himself.

Back in the den, Natasha Romanoff, a trained assassin, was looking for beach towels. Somehow, all the towels that they had ever owned were in Tony's bedroom, and after what he and Pepper do in there, no one wants to go and grab a couple of towels. Not worth the risk. Sighing, she turned around and headed for Steve's room. After all, he was Captain America. He was the hero. "Hey Cap." She said, leaning on the doorframe. "Do you want to go to Tony's room to get towels?"

Chuckling to himself, he said, "That's like asking if I want to face certain death. But since you asked nicely, I'll do it."

Grinning, Nat replied, "That's my golden boy," and turned around to leave, only to be cut off by a very amused Rogers.

"Hang on a sec, did you just call me your golden boy?"

Embarrassed, Natasha opened her mouth to explain, but before she had the chance to speak, Steve cut her off, saying, "Because I kind of like it." Well. Nat thought. This just got awkward. "Ok," she replied, flustered. She then ran back down to stairs, leaving a sad-looking Cap in his room, wondering why he said that. "Oh, and don't forget the towels. They better be clean!" She hollered, cutting him from his thoughts. 

Smiling, he went to Tony's room to grab towels. He loved seeing her all happy. It made him the happiest man in the world.

Marvel Trivia Time!!

What is Captain America's shield made of?

One correct answer gets followed! Comment your answer down below!!

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