Chapter 6

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Natasha woke up to Clint's soft breathing next to her ear. "Clint?" She whispered hoarsely. Clint stirred next to her. 

"Nat? Where are we?"

"I don't know. I'm trying to figure that out."

After constant debate, Natasha had the whole room mapped out in her head. There were a small table and chair near a corner, and the door was right in front of them. They were sitting against a wall with their hands tied behind their back. Two guards stood on either side of the two Avengers, and another stood guard at the door, ready to take action if necessary.

"Ok, I've got a plan." She whispered to Clint.

After whispering her escape plan and the only likely way they had a chance of surviving, Natasha started working at her handcuffs. 

"No, Natasha!" Clint whisper yelled. Dropping his voice to a low whisper, he murmured in her ear, "I called the team. They should be here soon. Besides, you're bleeding out. If you take one more fight, you'll die!"

Clint was right. Blood was pooling all over her body and on the gray concrete floor. But she had to take a chance. Angrily, she spat out blood and saliva on a guard's shoe.

"Nat! No." Clint cried. The guard grabbed Natasha, who was too weak to resist, and punched her, over and over until she went limp in his grasp. Then, seeing she was out, he signaled with a flick of his wrist to take care of the other prisoner. 

"NO! NA-" Clint was cut off as a boot came in contact with his stomach, making him gasp for air. The soldiers laughed at this and continued to hit and kick Hawkeye's already battered body.

Meanwhile, the Avengers were gathered in a Quinjet, ready to save their friends. Steve pressed his head in his hands, feeling a tear trickle its way down his face.

"Hey, Capsicle, it's not your fault," Steve said surprisingly soft. "Look, I hate leaving Pepper to go on these missions too, but Natasha's a strong woman. I'm sure she'll be able to handle herself."

Hollow, Steve nodded. "But you don't understand. People as strong as Clint and Nat would usually be able to take down a HYDRA base. The soldiers there must have really hurt them."

Sighing, Stark nodded in agreement. "Let's just hope for the best then." He paused for a moment to pat Cap's back before walking away.

Back at the HYDRA base, Nat was curled up in a ball, shivering, as soldiers around her pulled at her clothes, leaving her in her underwear, completely exposed. 

"Look at her!" One soldier jeered.

"What a slut. I bet she gets a lot of men to do what she wants with that body." Another yelled. 

"Guess she'll have to do as we say today." A third soldier smirked, pulling down his pants.

"Please, no. No, no, no, no." Natasha whimpered, fear sparking in her emerald green eyes.

"Too late." The third soldier stated, kicking Clint's motionless body out of the way, and ripping Natasha's underwear off her. "It's already started.

After a couple of hours of flying, the Quinjet brought the Avengers down to the HYDRA base. Cautiously, they stepped off-board, and walked inside the building, looking for any hint that may tell them where their friends were. Suddenly, and scream pierced the air. "Natasha." Steve gasped, his heart stopping. "You guys take care of any guards. I'll go take care of that." 

"Wha-?" Tony said, turning around in confusion, just in time to see an adrenaline-pumped Capsicle running off to save Nat. "Well, ok." 

Cap turned the corner to see a clean white door. Stepping closer, he heard Nat's quiet whimpers. Pushing the door open, he gasped in shock. Clint lay in front of him, unmoving. Nat was curled up in a small ball on the cold hard ground, naked. "WHAT DID YOU DO?" He yelled angrily.

"What we had to." The soldier said, throwing a punch at Cap's middle, catching him off guard. Cap dropped his shield on the ground, then threw a series of well-aimed punches at the soldier, making him unconscious. He walked toward Nat, throwing his shield at the two remaining guards, knocking them out as well. 

"Oh, Nat." He whispered softly. This was not Black Widow. This was not an invincible assassin. This was Natasha Romanoff, a human being. A human being perfectly capable of being hurt.

Steve walked over to Clint, shaking him gently. "Clint," he whispered urgently. "I need you to watch Nat. Make sure those men don't wake up. K?"

"Ya got it, Cap," Clint replied, forcing himself to sit up.

Captain America walked to the next room, which so happened to be a bedroom, for any HYDRA visitors, he assumed. He grabbed a blanket off the bed, and came back to get Nat. Wrapping Natasha's small body in it, he said to Clint, you walk ahead and look for any guards. The team should be there as well." Clint nodded, groaning as he stood up. "You hurt?" Steve asked.

"Just a couple of bruises, broken ribs, scratches, and stab wounds, none of them too bad," Clint replied painfully.

"OK." Picking up Nat's small body, the two Avengers headed out.

By the time they found the team, Clint could barely stand, and Natasha's blanket was stained red. "Woah, Capsicle, what happened? Are they ok?"

"Nat was hurt pretty bad, and Clint was unconscious most of the time."

Bruce hurried over to Clint, offering him a body to lean on. "Thanks." He said to Bruce, too weak to say anymore.

"They need medical care now. Clint can barely stand, and Natasha's bleeding out, bad." Steve said.

"You got it," Stark replied. "Friday, I need you to prep the medical room. Clint and Nat need urgent medical care."

The team boarded the Quinjet, no one in the mood to discuss anything. Steve pressed his fingers to his temples. I should have been there, he thought. It's my fault Nat and Clint are hurt. At least we know Clint will survive. Natasha, though... I really hope she makes it. There's so much I want to say.

Marvel Trivia TIme!!

What elective does Thor take on Asgard?

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