Chapter 8

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For Steve, the next day was another day on a mission. For Nat, well, she would have to settle with training at the gym. Last night's events lay unspoken between them. They finished the movie late at night, so they ended up sleeping on the couch together. Nothing weird there. Except for the fact that before they dozed off, all wrapped in blankets, Steve bent over and kissed Natasha lightly on the forehead. All he wanted to do was be happy with the girl he loved. He almost didn't get up the next day. But of course, Fury had to call with another mission, and so went another day of work.

This is so not fair. Natasha thought while running on the treadmill. I mean, I can fight without gasping in pain now, so I should be cleared to fight! The treadmill beeped, signaling to her that she had already run her goal of 50 miles. Next was weights, then cardio, and then some more running. After that was hand to hand combat. I'll get Clint or someone to do that with me, she thought. After all, who could resist? She added, smirking.

A few hours later, Steve was back with the rest of the team. Tony was actually eager to go on this mission, because he had built himself a new Iron Man suit. Steve, well, he was Captain America. He sorta had to go, otherwise it was bad rep. You know? Clint walked in cooling, wiping his bow on his suit, whistling. Bruce staggered in after them, panting heavily. "Hulk is really tiring." He stated, before heading to his room to take a shower and regain his strength. Thor even came back from Asgard. Natasha smirked. There were only a few reasons why he would show up if it wasn't a huge mission. 

"Find a girl, Thor?" Natasha asked, plopping herself on the sofa. 

"No?" Thor said, his low voice raising unnaturally at the end.

"C'mon, Thor. You need better acting skills if you want to lie like that. Actually, don't lie. You boys are no good at it." Nat said, shooting glances at each of the men standing in the room with her. Clint, oblivious to her statement, was still polishing his bow, Tony was giving her the really? look, Thor was looking as red as a ripe tomato, and Steve was matching her cool gaze, with only a glimpse of emotion. Her gaze lingered on Steve for a moment longer, shooting him a warning glance about their secret, before going back to Thor. "Soooooooo," She Nat said, drawing out the word. "Tell me about her. What's her name? Is she nice? Hot?"

Thor looked around the room uncomfortably. 

"Don't look at me," Tony said, putting his hands up innocently. "I wanna watch."

Clint was still unaware of the situation. 

Steve nodded at Thor, and being the gentleman he was, left the room. 

"Her name is Jane, she's nice, and I guess she's hot," Thor stated plainly, shrugging at the end.

"Huh," Natasha said, with a disbelieving tone. "Tell her to come over tomorrow. She and I can talk."

"Um..." Thor was clearly embarrassed by now. His cheeks were a color Natasha didn't know his cheeks could turn. "Ok?"

Natasha nodded curtly. "Good. Tell her to come at one."

Walking out of the lounge, she found herself face to face with the one, the only Steve Rogers. "Hey." She said, giving him a small smile. 

"Hey Nat! Heard you needed a hand to hand combat partner."

"Only if he wants to get his ass kicked."

"I take the challenge." 

Steve and Nat walked to the training room, where they each grabbed a bottle of water and a towel. After pulling out mats to cushion the hard floor, they wrapped their hands so they wouldn't hurt themselves too much, they faced each other, both sure they had a chance of winning.

"Ok, 3, 2-" Steve was interrupted by a clenched fist smashing into his stomach. "Hey!" He yelled indignantly.

"The Black Widow doesn't play by the rules." Nat replied. "Think fast."

Another fist swung by his face. He ducked back, the fist missing his jaw by a hair. "If that's how you want to play." He said under his breath.

He began throwing kicks and punches at Nat, who just dodged them like it was nothing. Well, it probably was nothing to her.

Nat swung her leg behind Steve's, hitting the space behind his knee, making him fall down instantly. He might be a super soldier, but he didn't have the combat skills she did. As soon as he fell down, she pressed on top of him, making him unable to get back up. "So I win?" She asked teasingly.

"Not quite." Steve pushed Natasha over with his super strength, making her the one with their back on the ground. "Nope," he said, his nose nearly touching hers. "I think I've earned this one."

Nat stared back at Steve with defiance in her green eyes. She could probably push him over right now. But something inside her head told her otherwise. Just let him have this one, Nat. And bonus point, he could easily kiss you right now. Shut up! Natasha said silently to the voice in her head. She wasn't supposed to love Steve! After about a minute of that awkward silence, Natasha let her eyes soften. "Fine," she groaned.

"Got it." A masculine voice said, sounding happy and almost, giddy?


Marvel Trivia Time!!

What kind of scientist is Jane Foster?

One correct answer gets a follow!! Comment your answer below!!

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