Chapter 21

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"Crap." Tony winced as he made his way to his closet. The floor was covered in legos, probably the kids' work. Actually, this whole prank was probably the kids. Who else would bring legos? Honestly, some of the Avengers were man-children, so who knew.

Opening the closet door, Tony grabbed a clean t-shirt and pants and painfully made his way to the bathroom. Click. As he opened the door, he groaned again. The whole bathroom was covered in string, stretched like cobwebs from one side to another, like laser grids, but if laser grids were made of colorful yarn. Tony cursed angrily and stepped onto the lego covered floor. "I guess I'll change under the covers," he muttered and made his way to his bed, which thankfully wasn't destroyed or vandalized. He pulled back his covers, and wriggled his way into his clothes. 

Tony was a pretty big guy, although not as tall as Thor or as strong as Rogers, he made up for it in brains and his suit. So it wasn't surprising that it took him a while to change, giving Natasha and Steve plenty of time to sneak into the room and snap some photos.

"Should we pull the covers now?"

"Shhhh Rogers! Ever heard the number one rule about being a spy?"

"No, what?"



The two were crammed between the sofa and the wall, with Steve being the gentleman and allowing Nat to have the spot closest to fresh air, and a somewhat blocked view of Tony. She had been tapping away on her phone the whole time, capturing somewhat embarrassing photos to post on her social media. Payback.

After 5 more minutes passed, even Natasha was starting to get impatient. "When is the stupid man going to get out?" She grumbled, tapping her fingers against the velvety fabric of the sofa.

Steve squeezed her shoulder in sympathy, still following the number one rule.

What seemed like an hour to Natasha passed before her crush finally gave in as well. "Let's just pull his covers and snap a shot of him already," Steve whispered into Natasha's ear, slowly and quietly untangling his limbs from hers.

They quietly pushed the sofa out just far enough to get out, and cleared a path on the Lego covered floor. 

"Ok, I'll go on your bed to get a birds eye view, and you pull the covers on the count of three." Natasha pulled herself onto Steve's bed, which creaked slightly, hopefully not alerting Tony. Standing on top of the squishy mattress, she put up her fingers slowly. One... Two... Three.

Steve yanked back the covers, and Natasha quickly snapped a photo, but what really caught them off guard was Tony's reaction.

He didn't do anything. He stayed in the same position, his eyelids closed, his arc reactor rising and falling peacefully. Soft snores, almost inaudible to the naked ear filled the room with music. Pig music.

Natasha stared down at the man bleakly. Obviously, he'd ruined the point of the prank, but that didn't mean they couldn't do some stuff to him while he slept. Wordlessly, Natasha hopped off the bed and found pens, tossing one to Steve. "Let's give him a makeover," she said mischievously. 

She inked a messy blue mustache over the one that already existed. Pulling back to examine her work, she laughed. Tony would be so so embarrassed, especially if people saw him like this. Actually, wait. An idea popped into Natasha's head. 

"Steve," she whispered, tugging on his sleeve. The super soldier was giving Tony a sharp, neat unibrow.

"What?" He didn't look up from his work. 

"We should make Tony go to the lobby or something like this and get us food. He'll do it for Pepper, at least." Natasha grinned devilishly. 

Steve sighed. "With you at my side, the weirdest things happen."

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