Chapter 7

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*One month later

Steve sat by Natasha's side, stroking her hair softly. He had been doing this for the past month. Every day, he would go to Natasha's side, sit there for who knows how long, talking to Natasha, filling her in on anything that happened. Clint would also come in often, letting Steve take a break and take care of himself while he spoke to Nat. Without her, the whole team seemed empty, and no one seemed to want to crack jokes, not even Tony.

*Steve's POV

"And last week, the team left for a mission to take down that HYDRA base. They blew it up, but the leader escaped. They're tracking the leader down now. You're safe here. Please wake up. You shouldn't have been there without backup. I should've been there. I love you with all my heart, Natasha Romanoff." I finished. A solo tear trickled down my face, and landed on Natasha's cheek. As I bent offer to wipe it off, Natasha stirred beneath my touch. Is she finally waking up?

*Nat's POV

I heard blurry voices, every day. I couldn't tell whose they were, but they were usually the same voices. Some came once a week, others less, a few more. But there was one voice that stuck out. A sweet voice, full of love. He came every day, stayed full visiting hours, and left whenever the nurses or doctors told him to. I wanted to wake up. I wanted to find out who was visiting me every day. But no matter how hard I tried, my eyelids stayed heavy and refused to open. Until today. 

It was those three words that I had never expected to hear from anyone, much less when I was in the hospital. They were followed by what I can only describe as a single wet tear landing on my face. A soft hand brushed it away, it's owner sniffling. Suddenly, my eyelids felt as light as feathers. I opened my eyes to see a set of perfect ocean blue irises and golden hair. Only one person I knew looked like that. "Steve?" 

*3rd POV

Natasha stared at Steve, her eyes wide. "You've been here every day!" She said, shocked. 

"Yes, I have," Steve said, his eyes pooling again. "I've been waiting for you to wake up. I'll go get Clint. He's been anxious to speak to you."

"No, Steve, wait," Natasha said, grabbing his arm as he stood up to leave. "What you said, that you love me, is it true?" Natasha asked, her deep green eyes dark with worry and hope. "I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to but-"

She was cut off by a set of lips pressing against hers. It was a short kiss, but passionate, meaningful. Grinning, Steve asked, "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes." Natasha smiled back. "But let's keep this between us for now. Don't need Clint or Tony butting in."

"Anything for my girl," Steve replied, before heading out to tell the team that Nat was awake, feeling happier than he had felt in a month.

After a month of gaining her strength back, the Black Widow was ready to get back to missions. Nat walked down her hall and stepped into her room for the first time in two months. The first month she had been in the hospital, and the second month she stayed in a different room to help with the injuries she had gotten that day. Turning on the lights, she expected a ton of dirty dishes, an unmade bed, and a messy room in general. Instead, she saw a clean, swept floor, made bed, and clean dishes. Who did this? She wondered. Stepping over to her kitchen table, she saw a bouquet of fresh flowers and a note saying: Since you were out for a while, I decided to clean your apartment a little so you could come home to a nice place. I got you some pizza. It's in a box in the oven. Love you lots. -Steve.

Natasha smiled, and sniffed the flowers, letting the sweet floral scent crowd her worries away. And pizza. She sat on the couch, the pizza on one side, and a tub of ice cream she had in her freezer on the other. Pizza, ice cream, and a movie. What could make this day better?

As if answering her question, her phone dinged. A new message. From Steve. Natasha picked up her phone, and read the text. Can I come over?  Smiling, she replied, Sure. Setting her phone down, she barely had any time to get a bite of pizza before someone knocked on her door. Grinning devilishly, she thought of a mean trick to play on Steve when he came in. Holding her pizza in one hand and recording in the other, she said, "Come in!" As soon as Steve stepped over the threshold, Natasha drew back her arm and Splat! The pizza was all over the Golden Boy's now tomato sauce covered face. Laughing so hard, Natasha stopped her video, and said between laughs, "Did you see your face?"

Steve glared at her and went in search of a napkin. When he came back Natasha could not help but notice the way his white shirt fit tightly against his abs, or his sweatpants outlined her muscular legs. OH MY GOODNESS!! She thought. He's so... Natasha trailed off, not knowing what to say. 

"I'm so what?" Steve asked curiously, with a sly smirk on his face. Natasha turned as red as her hair, blushing. I just said that out loud, she thought in her head. 

"Nothing," she replied, the red still heating up her cheeks.

"Movie night?" Steve asked, seeing the TV screen. "Beauty and the Beast. That's a good one." He suggested. 

"Here," Natasha said, gesturing to the empty space beside her. The couch was small, so the two of them fitting was a stretch. Natasha got up, letting Steve sit down first, and then got back on the couch, her legs draping over Steve's lap. "Ahh," Natasha said. "This is nice." Steve clicked play on the movie, and the two began watching and eating. 

"So," Natasha said. "About that kiss."

"What about that kiss?" Now it was Steve's turn to blush

"What was it, your third kiss ever?"

"No..." Steve said, his voice betraying him. 

"So it was!" Natasha yelled. Her eyes were bright, and her face was a mixture of surprise and I-knew-it!!

"It was not." Steve groaned, and put his head in his hands. Truth was, he had kissed other women since he defrosted. But none of them had really made him happy. He always thought of Peggy whenever he kissed a woman. Until now, he had never thought he would ever fall in love again. But it wasn't just Natasha's charming looks that made his heart stop. It was her personality, the way she refused to show pain, or stand down when someone told her to or persisted no matter what. To him, that was worth more than any of her physical attributes. Well, maybe those deep emerald eyes.

Marvel Trivia TIme!!

What part of New York is Steve Rogers from?

One correct answer gets a follow!! Comment your answer below!!

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