Chapter 5

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Sweat poured down the Black Widow's forehead as she fought her way out of her prison. Almost there, almost there, she thought. So focused on the door that she forgot to check her surroundings for any more men. Steve, she thought, before disappearing into the darkness.

(5 hours before)

"I should be going on this mission," Steve grumbled, pushing his hand through his messy blond hair.

"Zip it, Capsicle. You're not going, and that's that." Tony stated, pouring himself a glass of lemonade.

"Easy for you to say," Cap muttered. "You don't have the superhuman strength that could kill a whole team single-handed." 

"Chill, Steve. It's just a mission. I've been on a ton of missions before, and I'm still here. See?" Natasha said, punching her arm lightly. 

Just then, Clint stepped out of the elevator. "C'mon, Nat." He yelled, pulling on his coat.

Nat half-smiled at Cap. "See you in a few."

And just like that, the two left the tower, assuming they'd be back in a few hours after their mission, possibly with a few scratches. And that would've been true. If a few game-changing events hadn't occurred.

An hour later, Black Widow and Hawkeye arrived at the HYDRA base. Wow, thought Natasha. Not kidding about the low profile. In front of them was a large brick building that would've been magnificent, if not for the tendrils of ivy crawling up the side or the moss growing on the bricks. The lawn was wild and overgrown and branched littered the ground. 

"Ok, Nat. You know what to do." 

Nat nodded and slowly made her way to the entrance. With her gun in one hand and Clint by her side, she carefully opened the door. Next thing she knew, gunfire erupted all around them, and soldiers in heavy armor and huge guns surrounded them, forcing them to give up.

"You won't get information out of us, you know," Nat said while she and Clint walked down the hall to the unpleasant torture awaiting them.

Clint grunted in agreement, and kicked a soldier's shin, only to be hit on the head with the butt of a gun. He groaned as he was dragged away to a separate room. 

Nat was led to a white room. Barren, brick, and hard to escape undetected. In the very center of a room was a metal ring hanging from a hook in the ceiling. Then, three men pushed her to the floor, holding her down as another man tied her arms together.

"Now, sweetheart. You'll tell us what we want to know, or else your friend in the other room gets killed, or worse." The soldier drawled in a Southern accent, as Clint screamed in the other room, obviously awake once again. 

Not Clint. Natasha thought. He has Cooper, and Lila, and Nate, and Laura. He can't just leave them without a goodbye. But I can't tell them what they want to know either. There'll be consequences, for everyone. 

Natasha lifted her head up. "Never." She hissed, rage and pain sparkling in her eyes. 

"Well then, darling, we'll do it the other way. Hang her up." He called to his fellow soldiers. "Oh, and give her some of those pain killers and sleep meds, please. Don't want her to suffer, yet."

Natasha woke up several hours later. The last thing she remembered was an awful looking pill being forced into her. After that, all she could recall was darkness and an unpleasant nightmare.

"Well, well. If it isn't the Black Widow. A trained assassin, in our hands. Looks to me today's our lucky day. Give her the pain meds." The HYDRA soldier called to his fellow soldier. A soldier came up with a needle and pressed it into her arm. "Now, what is your real name?" He asked

"Natasha Romanoff." Black Widow replied, her heart rate never rising above 50 bpm.

"Wrong answer." He yelled, slashing a knife across her wrist. "Why are you here?" 

Natasha smiled cockily. "To stop HYDRA, and to kill you."

The soldier growled, like a dog about to kill a rabbit, and slashed her other wrist. "Now if you don't talk soon, we'll keep slashing at you and cutting you until you bleed out. You really want that to happen, darling?" 

"Whatever it takes. Do your worst." Natasha said, straining to keep her voice confident. If blood kept pouring from her wrists, she would bleed out soon. Please, Steve. Come get me and Clint. 

Several questions later, Natasha was battered, beaten, bleeding, and still fighting to stay awake. She had to take her chance to escape.

"That's it for now, but I'll be back." The soldier interrogating her said, the door handle clicking behind him.

Now's my chance, she thought. Flicking a small hidden knife out from inside her sleeve, she sawed away at her ropes quietly. Natasha slowly walked to the door, turning the handle slowly while pressing on her wounds to stem the blood flow. Taking the soldier by surprise, she quickly stabbed him and punched him hard enough to knock him out. Turning, the corner, she saw the coast was clear, and ran for her life, leaving blood trailing behind her. Suddenly, she felt a prick in her neck, and she collapsed on the floor. "No." She whispered weakly. "I was so close."

Marvel Trivia Time!!

What kind of doctor is Doctor Strange?

One correct answer gets a follow!! Comment your answer below!!

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