Chapter 15

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Natasha stood in her closet, contemplating her clothes. Most of her clothes were either dresses for missions or clothes that you would normally wear during to school, or college if you went, which Natasha never did. Nothing was nice enough or cool enough to wear on a beach trip, or to Puerto Rico, which was normally a pretty hot country. She'd been there once, for a mission. She had to get information out of a HYDRA suspect, which wasn't hard until his backup came, and she had to steal a car. Long story short, there's one more man there who no longer has a way to travel around town.

Anyway, she could probably go to Pepper to ask for clothes, or the two of them could go to the store for some clothes today. She'd figure it out. Anyway, at least she had a nice swimsuit. It had a green top, with a cinched front and a lace-up back, with a high waisted floral bottom. It had peach-colored flowers and dark green leaves splattered all over the white fabric, and she thought that the bikini was very flattering on her. Smiling, she folded the swimsuit neatly and placed it into her suitcase. And another one, for backup, in case she couldn't wear the green one for any reason. An adjustable gray top with a v neck and a white bottom patterned with dark green tropical leaves. There. Swimsuits are done.

Natasha stepped out of her room and into the elevator. "Pepper!" She exclaimed when she saw the strawberry blond-haired girl. "Thank god you're here. Do you have time to help me?"

Pepper turned around when she heard her name. "Hey, Nat! I was just on my way to see Tony, but knowing him, he wouldn't remember if I told him I would come at 11:00 or 1. Of course, I can help you! What's up?"

Natasha chuckled lightly at her friend's enthusiasm. "Thanks, Pep. So, I'm guessing Tony hasn't told you yet?"

"What?! Told me what?"

"Pepper, you're coming on a week-long beach trip in Puerto Rico with us!"

"Really?" Pepper squealed.

"Yup. So, as I was saying-"

"Do you need help with packing clothes?" Pepper cut in knowingly.

Natasha smiled widely. "You know me so well."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Natasha and Pepper saw Thor sitting with a short brown haired girl, the two engaged in a deep conversation, which Natasha recognized to be an argument about the different flavors of pop tarts as she walked closer. 

Natasha crept behind Thor quietly, surprising him at the last second. "So, this is Jane?" She asked teasingly. 

"Yeah," Thor said, standing up. "Jane, this is Natasha and Pepper. Natasha, Pepper, this is my girlfriend, Jane."

"Hi," Jane said shyly. "Nice to meet you."

Natasha and Pepper looked at each other silently. "Hey, Jane," Pepper said. "Are you free today? Nat and I are going to get some clothes for the trip. Do you want to come along?"

Jane looked at Thor, who just nodded. "Well, I need some new clothes, Thor, do you mind?"

Thor just chuckled. "I know better than to argue with Lady Natasha. She could probably beat the pop tarts out of me if I did something wrong. Besides, I'm no good at shopping. See you later, Jane."

The three women walked down to the garage, where all their vehicles were kept. "JARVIS, would you please tell anyone who asks that we're shopping?" Natasha said to the AI.

"Will do, Ms. Romanoff."

"So, which car should we take?" Natasha asked Pepper and Jane.

"I don't know," Jane said. "All these cars seem extremely rich."

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