Chapter 18

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"Wake uppppppppppppppppp!!!" Natasha whisper yelled into Clint's ear. "WAKE." She smacked his head with a travel pillow. "UP." Smack. "WAKE UP!" SMACK. 

Clint woke up with a yelp. "What the hell was that for?" He looked up at Natasha, who smirked.

"You were snoring. Couldn't rest peacefully knowing an elephant was living nearby."  Natasha popped a piece of Clint's gum into her mouth. Watermelon, she thought. Not what I would have expected.

Clint snorted and turned his head away from Natasha and the sound of smacking gum. "Go back to your boyfriend," he grumbled.

Natasha stuck her tongue out and moved back to her seat next to Steve. "Never said we were dating, but ok." She whispered to herself. 

"What'd you say, Romanoff?" Steve looked at her as she scorched past him to her window seat. His blue eyes, usually serious and dark, were alight with mischief. Natasha looked at him, her emerald gaze meeting his sapphire one, and she opened her mouth to reply, only to shut it upon seeing the look on his face.

She sat back into her large, comfortable first-class seat, and gave Steve a look that reminded him of his mother telling him not to eat all the cookies, or stay out after 10, which he did once. "What is it, Rogers," she asked, staring him through.

"Well, you see, I thought maybe we could prank Tony and th-" Steve was cut off by Natasha's enthusiastic reply. 

"Hell yeah! Do you know me? It'll be payback." She exclaimed.

"Shhhhh, not so loud. I was thinking maybe we could plan it on the plain via text and we'll prank him in Puerto Rico. Do you wanna get everyone else in?"

Natasha thought about getting the rest of the crew in. Finally, she nodded slightly and quickly created a group chat where they could plan this prank.

So this is the end of this chapter, and I'm sorry it's so short, but there's another one coming that will be around soon that will have the group chat for the prank in it, which is why I decided to cut this one so short. Stay tuned!

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