Chapter 19

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How to Prank a Tony

NatRom, SRogers, ThorO, ClintonB, LBarton, JaneFost, PepPotts, BruceyB

BruceyB: hEy wHy Is mY nAme BRUCEYB?

NatRom: beats me

ThorO: I do not understand. Natasha obviously created this chat to talk to us, but why type letters on tiny black boxes when I can see every one of you from my seat?

ClintonB: I go by Clint. Clinton is an embarrassing name. WHY NATASHA?

LBarton: Clint honey, it's fine.

BruceyB: I would like to change my name.

NatRom: 😝

BruceyB: it won't let me change my name! Natasha, what did you do?

SRogers: I sense one angry green monster...

NatRom: 😈

BruceyB: NATASHA! I sound like a little kid!

ThorO: It has come to my attention that Mr. Banner is getting very riled up about his username. I do not see a reason to change the name BruceyB. It is a great name.

JaneFost: and this is why you have me.

NatRom: fine, fine. there. I enabled participants to change usernames.

PepPotts: Ok, this chat is cool and all, but like Thor said, why are we here? And where's Stark?

NatRom: right. Steve can explain.

SRogers: So basically you know how Stark is just a big asshole sometimes?"

PepPotts: Many times

BruceB: Often

Thor: Most of the time

NatRom: always

SRogers: ok..... well anyway, we should prank him when we get to Puerto Rico, like something big. And the kids can help too.

LBarton: Lila and Cooper would love that

SRogers: Anyone got ideas?"

JaneFost: Actually, I've got one. It may or may not work...


JaneFost: we'll need to split into 3 groups, and each group will play a specific prank on Tony which will lead to the next groups. I don't really know you guys as well as you guys know each other, so you guys can split yourselves up, and Natasha can create smaller chats for each group to talk on.

NatRom: 👍

ThorO: I'll go with Jane and Bruce.

NatRom: creating chat... now.

ThorO, JaneFost, and BruceB have left the chat

ClintB: The Barton's will be a group

LBarton: I second that

NatRom: ok, so that leaves me, Steve, and Pep. Got it.

ClintB, LBarton, NatRom, SRogers, and PepPotts have left the chat


30 minutes later...

"Please fasten your seatbelts and remain in your seats as we arrive at our destination. We hope you have a great trip and thank you for riding Delta airlines.

"That's a plan." Natasha shut her phone, looking at Steve.

Steve chuckled. "Yeah, Stark's got it in for him this time."

"Ok, so what Jane has told me about their group's parts is that first she and Thor will suggest going to a nice restaurant near our hotel with Pepper and Tony while the rest of us unpack and settle. But Pepper will be late, so they'll go without her, and leave Tony waiting at the restaurant with Thor while she goes to get Pepper. Then, she'll end up not being able to go because she pretends to sprain her ankle, and Tony will be waiting there with Thor for at least 2 hours before Thor gets a text to take him back. Then, we'll convince Tony to buy us pizza, and we'll get him to order from the Spanish place."

Steve furrowed his brow. "He does know Spanish, doesn't he?"

Natasha laughed, her head thrown back. "Nope. Like only a few phrases at most, curse words, bed talk, that stuff. Not fluent at all. Anyway, he'll be totally humiliated, and we'll get pizza in the end too. After that, we'll get back to our rooms, and Laura says the kids have a messy prank planned for him in his room, but I don't know it yet. After that, you know, we'll do our thing with Pep and that'll be day 1! Honestly, if this goes as planned, Tony will go viral over social media."

Steve smiled and sent a text off to the Tony Prank chat. Stick to the plan, he wrote. Good luck!

This would be one fun night.

Another short chapter, but I did upload two in a row, so hopefully, they will make up for the shortness of each chapter. Guess what the Bartons are doing? Steve's team?

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