Chapter 2

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 After a quick 10-minute drive, the team arrived at the beach. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and everybody was happy. It was the perfect day.

As soon as the car was safely in park, Clint hopped out from the back, yelling, "Thanks for the ride, Grandpa! Go a little slower and we'll all die in there!"

Soon, the whole team was relaxing on the beach. Natasha was reading a book on her beach towel, enjoying her Jane Austen before it was suddenly snatched from her grasp. "Hey!" She yelled at the book thief, running after him to get her beloved book back.

"Not so fast, Ms. Romanoff." A familiar voice said from behind her. Large muscular arms wrapped around her body, picking her up bridal style. She looked up to see a set of sea-blue eyes, long nose, and pale pink lips looking down at her.

"Let go of me, Steve." She said forcefully. "Or I swear I will-"

The rest of her sentence was lost as she was flung through the air into another pair of arms, to another, and another, until finally, cold seawater touched her back, submerging her in blue, foamy waves. Laughing, Natasha flailed her arms wildly, making contact with a firm stomach.

"Hey, Nat," Steve said mockingly. "Come get me."

"Oh Steve, I'm gonna get you so hard you're never gonna be able to get up again."

Natasha and Steve started fighting each other, with kicks, punches, tackling, literally every way to hurt each other, without actually hurting each other.

Clint, who was watching from the sand, whistled. "Look at those lovebirds." He commented. "Anyone could probably tell that they're into each other-, except them."

"You're right," Bruce replied. "It's flirt fighting."

The hours passed. Steve and Natasha flirted obliviously. Bruce played volleyball with a group of hot girls. Hawkeye invited Laura and the kids, and soon it was already 6, and time to eat.

"Pizza and a movie?" Bruce asked. "It's our day off, we can do whatever we want."

"Nat and I'll have pepperoni," Steve called from the water, where they were having a swimming contest.

"Laura and the kids will have cheese, and I'll have pepperoni as well," Clint said.

"Daddy wants pepperoni, but cheese is better," Lila said sweetly.

"Oh Lila, some things you'll learn when you're older. And some of those things will always be true. Like pepperoni pizza. Now come here, sweetie," Clint said, holding a giggling Lila in his arms.

Chuckling, Bruce ordered the pizza to be delivered to the Avengers Tower, and the team plus Clint's family headed back home in their car. Nat drove, Clint and Laura in the back, Bruce and the kids in the middle, and Steve riding shotgun. The radio blared, and the team sang at the top of their lungs.

Had to have high, high hopes for a living

Shooting for the stars when I couldn't make a killing

Didn't have a dime but I always had a vision

Always had high, high hopes

Had to have high, high hopes for a living

Didn't know how but I always had a feeling

I was gonna be that one in a million

Always had high, high hopes

(High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco)

Marvel Trivia Time!!

What is the name of the boy Tony Stark befriends while stranded?

One correct answer gets followed!! Comment your  answer below!!

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