Chapter 4

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Natasha groaned as Steve shifted beside her, signaling to her that is was time to get up. Sleepily, she dragged herself off the couch and away from Cap's warm body. Last night's movies left her exhausted, even though she did nothing but eating popcorn the entire time. Funny how she could fight the bad guys all the time and still have energy but dead after watching a couple of hours of movies. Sighing, she quietly crept to her room to change and fix up her look.

Steve woke up suddenly, discovering that the cuddly body next to his the night before was gone. Nat? He thought. Getting up, he went to the kitchen, where he saw Natasha eating a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning," she mumbled. "Help yourself to cereal. I don't want to cook."

"You know what Nat? I have a better idea. I'll cook today." Steve said, grinning. "I bet you've never seen me cook, have you?"

Natasha up at Steve, fake worry edging her eyes. "Will I have to worry about you burning the house down?" She asked in a scared voice. 

Chuckling, Steve replied, "We'll see about that."

10 minutes later, the rest of the team came downstairs, ate their food, wonderfully cooked by Steve, and met up in the missions room to receive their mission. 

"Ok, guys," Stark said, obviously still worn out from his previous affair last night. "There's been a massive energy radar above South Dakota. We think HYDRA may be using a building there as their secret base." He pulled out his tablet and tapped a button. "There," he said. 

A picture of a small, flat building appeared on the screen.

"Wow," Bruce said. "Hydra's really stepped a notch down."

"I know, right?" Thor said, stepping into the room.

"Thor, buddy, it's good to see you!" Tony exclaimed. "I just have one question, though," he said, turning secret. "Did you come through the Bifrost on my lawn? Because if you did..." 

"Of course I came on your lawn!" Thor said, unaware of Tony's annoyed expression.

"There goes my lawn care," Tony muttered under his breath. "Anyway, as I was saying, HYDRA may be planning to attack us sooner or later. That makes this mission very important. If we can take them out before they attack us, we'll have the upper hand. Clint, you're great with a bow, and they're probably not. Nat, you're the best hand to hand fighter here. So, I'm entrusting you with this mission. Don't screw it up, ok? Because lives are depending on you. Ok, thanks. The mission begins in 2 hours. " Tony said, grabbing his coffee to leave. "Oh, and the rest of us will be here in case you need backup. Like in case you nearly die. If that wasn't clear."

Clint raised his eyebrows. "So what you're saying is that you'll be there to support us in a life-death scenario. Great. Always comforting to know that we might die."

Tony shrugged. "All part of the job."

Marvel Trivia TIme!!

Who are all the members on Iron Man's team in Captain America: Civil War?

One correct answer gets a follow!! Comment your answer below!!

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