Chapter 9

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"Got it."


Natasha groaned, cursing Tony in Russian. What the heck was he doing? Looking at him closer, she could see that he had a phone in his hand, and had been recording up to the point she said his name.

Steve shifted off her awkwardly. "Sorry," he mumbled under his breath, turning to leave.

As soon as Steve left the training room, Natasha unleashed a series of words that will remain undisclosed. They ended with, "What the Hell are you doing Tony?" She screamed.

Tony shrugged innocently, but his eyes showed a hint of fear, betraying him. "How 'bout getting you a man?"

"You WHAT?"

"Relax, little red. I'll just post it on my social media, where thousands of people can see it, and then ship you too together, and there will be enough peer pressure to get the two of you together, finally." Stark said. "Trust me, you'll thank me for this later.

"As convincing as that sounds," Natasha said sarcastically. "It's not happening. So you better forget it before I go up there and punch your nose into yo-"

"Ok, ok, I get the point," Tony said, putting his hands in the air, backing slowly to the door.

"Good," Natasha said flatly. 

After watching Tony back out of the room, Natasha surveyed the area. A bench press, treadmill, weights, mats, what you'd expect in a training room. And near the door, a wall of green lockers. Next to those lockers was a wooden bench, and on top of that wooden bench was a jacket, 2 towels, and a water bottle. Sighing, Natasha picked up the towels and tossed them into a white basket edging the wall. Picking up the jacket, Steve's jacket she sighed again. She couldn't wait until it was just them again, alone, without Tony's pesky little mind prodding into their business. In the meantime, however, she had to act normal. And return Steve's jacket.

Unknown to Natasha, Steve in his room, wondering the same thing. He sat on his sofa, the springs creaking gently under his weight. When will she come again? He thought. Her presence seemed to calm whatever worries he had, and he loved her. More than he could ever say.

As if on cue, Natasha knocked on the door. Hearing the knock, Steve knew it was Natasha right away. No one else would come to his apartment this time of day. But why would she come now? It was still light out! Opening the door, he looked at Natasha, who held out his jacket to him.

"It's your jacket." Seeing his surprised look, she added, "Cat got your tongue, Grandpa?"

"Wha-no oh yeah thanks," Steve said, flustered. Taking his jacket, Steve gestured for her to come in.

"Is it ok if I crash here for a little? I don't have anything else to do today." 

"Sure," Steve replied. "Make yourself at home."

"Tony has another big party today." Natasha blurted out suddenly.

"What? I thought you said you just wanted to crash here!"

Natasha shrugged. "That was a lie. I lie for a profession, remember?"

"You do not. Anyway, I guess you're here to drag me to it?"

"Correct, soldier. Now let's find you something to wear."

Steve groaned and followed Natasha to his room, where she was busy pulling out his suits and looking for one that would look good on him.

"What about this one?"

"I barely ever wear that one."

Natasha pulled out a hideous green suit. "This one?"

"I don't wike it." Steve said under his breath.

"Okaaaaay, what about this one?" Natasha said, pulling out a dark blue suit with a striped tie.

"That one's nice."

"Yes, it is," Natasha agreed. "So it's settled. You are going to Tony's party at 8. You are going to wear this suit. And you are not going to hide in a corner where no one can see you."

Steve chuckled. "How did you know that was my master plan?"

Natasha smiled. "I just do." 

Marvel Trivia Time!!

Which avenger can run a mile in a minute?

Comment your answer down below!! One correct answer gets a follow!!

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