Lectures, Lessons, and Discussions

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Kumeron sat in his chair slowly and failing to not fall asleep.

Either his snoring woke him or a student asked him a question making him jump up from his chair.

"Yes!" He said excitingly.

His students just stared at him for a moment knowing their master had tendencies of doing things like this. Then they went back to work.

Kumeron sighed then sat back down.

"Master Kumeron?" A student said getting his attention.

"Yes Brelyna?" He responded.

"When is our next expedition?" She asked.

The whole class turned into a small uproar as most were under Kumerons apprenticeship. The Thalmor occupation and intrusion of College grounds had heavy restrictions.

"Thats... a good question." Kumeron said. "As of now the dominion have restricted mages from wandering constantly."

"What about the Midden?" Another student asked.

"Thats not a good idea until it gets cleaned of a few rogue experiments." He answered again. "However, should there be some volunteers that wish to join me in a couple of hours down there are more than welcome to."

Nearly every student had a grin on their face before they went back to their work.

"What do you think about the siege on Whiterun?" A question was asked to loudly.

A political and tactical debate started amongst the college apprentices, with some on the Imperials side, others the Thalmor. But all wanted to be apart of the debate even if they had no side.

Kumeron watched with glee at his students as they discussed the subject.

"When did the siege start?" One asked.

"I think two days ago." Another answered.

"Master what do you think?" A third asked drawing all eyes on Kumeron.

"Rather than pick a side, I ask you all this: What if neither side wins?" Kumeron responded with his question smiling deviously.

"How so?" Another student asked.

"They either all die and nobody wins, or there is a perpetual stand still." Kumeron said as he stood up and started pacing. "See Whiterun has always been a tipping point. The literal center of trade for Skyrim, think of the information and supplies that pass through it constantly. All the maps the merchants have, their warehouses, and farmland."

"But the Thalmor already took Rorikstead."

"True, but Whiterun has its own farms and stockpiles which are regularly replenished. Any siege will take a long time, which is why each side will fight their hardest for it. But what if nobody wins?"

"How would that be possible?" Brelyna asked.

"Discuss that amongst yourselves. But not here because class is done. Pieenie, Adabi, and Brasine I need to speak with you. "

All the mages stood up still discussing and the three names Kumeron called went over to him. A young nord and breton girl, and a dark elf.

"Adabi first, Brasine second and Pieenie last." Kumeron said as his students lined up. "Adabi heres you paper with a few notes I added."

The dark elf looked over Kumerons notes for a moment making several faces of not understanding his masters notes.

"Why restoration when enchanting?" Adabi asked.

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