Magics and Misfortune

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Kumeron laid his head on his desk the head-butted it light before quickly spinning to from his chair to stand up. Without pause, he grabbed his staff and left his room.

Swiftly he moved through the halls to outside in Winterholds windy weather. With every other step, the mage took deep breaths, clearing his lungs of the polluted smell of candles, potions, and the stuffiness of his room. He lost track of how long he's been cooped up on College grounds. Madness and wanderlust had already taken hold making him distant and irritable.

Mages and students were allowed to roam Winterholds town freely. However with the Thalmor rule they would have to make appointments, fill out paper work, and be escorted by guards if they wished to roam the ice fields. The extra unnecessary bureaucracy had put nearly all his adventures and escapades on a perpetual halt.

But the appointments he did put in were for some apprentices that needed to leave.

He thought of the monster that was loose somewhere on the campus as he entered the students hall. The blood was gone and the magicka fountain had returned to normal.

Kumeron walked over to his spot and slammed his staff into the ground making it vibrate as it stood in place. Next he pulled out a piece of cloth with brown stains of dried blood on it. He waved his other hand over it making it levitate as ghosts of that day appeared around him.

Pieenie and Jasia were sitting on the fountain with ever-changing conversation topics.

As Kumeron watched he payed attention to those that passed by the two. They would either greet some friends that passed or help with any questions referring to their assignments. Most of the time they were at the fountain until Kumeron noticed the moment Jasia turn her head towards something. He knew next would be a quick question about whatever she saw then it would appear to them.

Quickly Pieenie shot up and pointed in the direction, then Jasia stood for a moment before she was struck down across the fountain. Pieenie had cast a singular spell before she turned and ran.

"But what was it?" Kumeron thought as he replayed the memory multiple times looking at everything over and over again.

A quick tug on his robe had ripped the master from his concentration making him scream as he jumped back before his staff clattered on the ground. He calmed down he looked to see Pieenie shifting form one foot to the other as a faint line of blood trickled from the corner of her mouth and a bottle in her hand.

"Hiiiiiiii master." She dragged out then burped. "Looking through her memory again?"

"Yes Pieenie." Kumeron said as he straightened himself then took a closer look at the apprentice. "Are you drunk?"

She giggled then wiped the drying blood from her face. "Mabye." She said with a grin.

Pieenie then stumbled as she leaned in.

"I killed a guard, he was being so mean to Brasine and Jal." She whispered with her hand cupped around his ear.

Kumerons eyes widened with horror as he heard her confession then quickly looked at his drunk student.

"YOU DID WHAT?" He shouted the question as a flow of repercussions flew pictured themselves in his mind.

"Shhh don't tell anybody." Pieenie said as she giggled again as she took a swig from the bottle.

Kumeron turned and took a few steps towards the wall then quickly turned around and looked at the mage. He took a breathe then walked back to her.

"Go to bed." Was all he said as he took the bottle from her hand.

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