The Reach Reclamation

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Mallory sprinted to Kirena as she fell to the ground. Quickly she grabbed the soldiers arm as he raised his sword.

"Don't." She ordered as one hand was placed on Kirena and the other in a halt position. The soldier quickly sheathed his weapon.

Mallory then pulled Kirenas wrists together and tied them with some leather strips before pulling her to her knees. Aela rushed over to them and grabbed the other Huntress.

"Get her to Whiterun quickly." Mallory started. " Find Sappsa and tell her she's an unwilling Thalmor agent."

"Then what?" Aela asked.

"Then you wait for my medic to do her job." Mallory said as she and Aela lifted up Kirena. The two dragged her to the nearest prepared wagon.

"Commander!" Mallory heard Quentins voice as he walked to her.

"Sir?" Mallory saluted as the Legate stopped infront of her.

"What are you doing with the prisoner?" He asked.

"My job. Sir." She answered.

"And should they try to get her back? Or give the Forswon a new target?" He barraged her with the question.

"We have the Companions and she'll get a small imperial escort." Mallory answered again.

"Finish up quickly then." He said. "We're starting our final assault."

"Sir." Mallory said as she saluted the turned to Aela.

"Farkas will drive the cart, I'll be on horse back and the others will be with her." Aela said as she hopped down.

Mallory nodded then walked towards the house officers tent. "Good luck Companion." She said to herself.

The flaps were open as she approached with all eyes looking at her. Quentin glared at the Commander as she took her spot at the table.

Each section had their part. Legate Quentin would break through the gate as Captain Adros would assault the walls. Captain Romala had to cut off roads to prevent escaping officers. Then Mallory would combine her commandos with Adros as they go over the wall and make her way to the keep. All while artillery fire from the trebuchets, catapults, and ballistae soared above them.

They reviewed the map of Markarth and the surrounding area. Each one knew what they were doing and their men were prepared and ready.

All of them exited the tent in order of rank with Legate Quentin first, Commander Mallory second, then Adros and Romala as third and fourth. They each went their separate ways to their soldiers.

Mallory walked among her men as she saw them sharpening weapons, preparing some kits, praying to the gods, and many other activities.

While Mallorys tribunes were still being investigated for a traitor, she only had a low ranking officer as her second.

Once her officer saw her he shouted the soldiers to attention. They lined up and saluted as she walked to the front. all eyes were on her as she drew her axe and raised it, shouting the entire time.

Every single person under her command did the same as they all felt the fire of war sure through them.

Once their battle cry subsided they marched in rank next to Adroses forces.

They started their march just before the sun rose.

A cool breeze flew through Mallorys hair as she looked around.

"It's gonna be a good day for victory Commander." Said her officer.

"Yes it will." She answered as the sound of artillery started and the march began.

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