The Ancient Relic

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Kumeron felt the steel grip of his friend as he pulled him to the door. He made the mistake of looking back, seeing the silhouette of the dragon as flame formed in it mouth.

He ran through the door then was thrown to the side. The dragons roar echoed throughout the chamber followed immediately by intense heat.

When the fire extinguished, he jumped to his feet.

"THIS WAY!" Savos shouted, flaying his arms around. He stood near another doorway.

Kumeron did a quick look to see if any of the apprentices were scattered. Thankfully, they weren't. He tapped his staff on the floor once then bolted towards them.

A hand was placed on his back, slowly pushing him to run faster.

"Can't fight a dragon in here!" Rayan yelled. Not even a hint of panting in his voice.

The mage felt the urge to run quicker.
He was shoved through the doorway with it slamming behind him.

There was loud panting from the mages echoed in the room. Droplets of sweat dribbled down Kumerons face. Burning his eyes and soaking his beard as he leaned on the hand on his staff, with the other on his knee.

"Everyone ok?" He asked raising his head up too quickly causing black spots.

"Yeah." Rayan answered. "What was that?"

"Dragon, possibly skeletons." Kumeron answered until he saw who Rayan spoke to.

He was talking to Savos.

"What was that?" The Dawnguard repeated this time more irritated.

"Dragon and skeletons." Savos answered.

"Don't lie to me!" Rayan yelled and shoved the Arch-Mage.

Kumeron swiftly headed to the two. Both to make sure his friend doesn't get carried away and as a faculty member of the college.

"What. Is. It?" Rayan demanded.

Before anything else could be said a blue fog appeared behind them. It swirled as ghostly figures appeared.

"I can't believe we're doing this!" A woman's voice said. It fluctuated with a echo as she spoke.

"Imagine the looks on their faces when we return!" A second figure said. Kumeron heard Savos' tone of voice. But it seemed much younger.

"Are you sure about this?" A third ghost asked before the fog swirled and they disappeared.

"Master..." Pieenie said.

Kumeron looked to see the apprentices standing together. All had terrified expressions.

"Sir." Onmund spoke with a small tremble in his voice. "We need to know."

Savos took a deep breath.

"There were six of us." He started. "It was our seventh year at the College-"

Rayan quickly shot his hand up. "About the thing that knows you. And you're leading the way."

Savos only bowed his head slightly. "Very well. It is an ancient being, neither daedric nor of this world. At the time I wondered if it was from Aetherius , maybe even as far as Padomay-"

"Forgive me Arch Mage." This time Kumeron interrupted. "But I think the more important details are how did you defeat this....Remnant? If it is from beyond our universe."

"I bound it to the very staff we are hunting." The Arch Mage answered with a hint of annoyance. "And it to will be another long description that I'm sure will get interrupted aswell."

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